Monday, December 28, 2009

Son Diaper Punishment

Luckily ... Unfinished

I read an article where the journalist Renato Farina asked ironically why the so-called people of the Internet with attached grillini, DiPietro and the like, ready to mobilize against Berlusconi against the U.S., no sign of any significant initiative in favor of the rebellion of the Iranian people. He is right to sell flour, although I would remind him that such behavior has always been left of our house, even before the advent of the Internet.
When I was a kid myself, every other day and the other as well, you had to put up with appeals, campaigns to fight, claims, convictions and commemorations all regular one-way. As an example, I recall some of the most popular. On all anti-fascism, dressed in all ways, good for any occasion. It peaked in the days between April 25 and May 1: Always the same films Nazi employment, the memory and the testimonies of so-called partisan war, street protests organized by the Communist Party and trade unions, marked by a sea of \u200b\u200bred flags with the hammer and sickle and not even a flag. But any excuse was good to remind people-ox anti-fascism was our only raison d'etre, that we should love and honor one god: the god-partisan. Other opportunities could be a rally of Almirante or a good electoral result of the MSI, but also a terrorist attack or any politically motivated violence that generally, although in absolute lack of evidence, were attributed to "a clear matrix fascist" and that only the evidence with lots of claims and leaflets signed by the five-pointed star, were ascribed to the "so-called Red Brigades." Another issue was the ever popular anti-Americanism, often mixed with anti-fascism, which reached the top during the war in Vietnam and that cyclically emerges to every U.S. military intervention outside its borders (see most recently the war in Iraq After all the flags of peace, yet beautiful display, albeit a little 'faded, on the window sills of many homes). But a strong peak of anti-Americanism, accompanied by massive doses of a more general anti-imperialism and anti-fascism as usual, was reached at the time of the coup in Chile by Augusto Pinochet against Salvador Allende. Behind that coup-alleged-was the hand of the CIA. From 1973 and for many years to follow, in Italy as I believe in no other country in the world, we had to suffer the endless stream of a media campaign against the regime "fascist" Chilean solidarity with the "poor" and "oppressed" people of Chile. I remember in those years - if I remember it was 1974 - Examination of middle school, for the matter of geography prepared their research on Chile in this work support the thesis that the coup was the result of social disorder and economic collapse of the unity government in which people had thrown the country and that all in all, Pinochet was the only lifeline for his country (incidentally, I still think and what happened in Chile in the years to follow did not give me wrong). The teacher of mathematics, though by no means involved in dealing with a matter not within its competence, visibly surprised and vexed by the arguments made by this insolent thirteen, he asked me what sources I used for my research, I told her that he borrowed from some general encyclopedia, without specifying that I'd put mine. Reluctantly sketched. Returning to the climate created by the Italian left Chile on the issue, I must mention the musical group Inti Illimani, whose songs we were served up every where, in Italy enjoyed a reputation comparable to that of the Beatles. Another example of those times that I recall was the case of the death sentence in Franco's Spain guilty of some terrorists, if memory serves me right, of un'efferata massacre. Even then the attacks on the cruelty and ferocity of the dictator Franco was amplified out of proportion, always in the name of anti. With all due respect to all prisoners on death of the main countries in which he had realized the dream of socialism. Anti-fascism, anti-Americanism, anti-imperialism: an exuberant mix of instrumental demagoguery which permeated our mainstream culture, dominated by the silent complicity with the PCI and interested (In power), the Christian Democrats. If the Soviet Union dissidents rotting in the camps, where Pol Pot in Cambodia perpetrated on its people one of the worst genocides of the last century, when the liberated countries in Africa from colonialism to establish fierce hungry and communist dictatorships that plagued the people, whether in Korea North still the blessed commoners are likely to die of hunger every day, if the death sentences in China have always been thousands per year and no form of political dissent was never tolerated, the Italian left has never cared about, because eyes, the anger and all attention should and must be directed only to one side.
Malafede, hypocrisy and lies always represented the essence of thinking enlightened elite of the Italian left. Luckily, in recent years (plus or minus fifteen, just happens to be when our current Prime Minister has taken the field and thanks to the Government of characters from that political party, the 'MSI, which until then had been the subject of ostracism authentic, limited to the outside of the so-called constitutional arch) something has changed. For example, some have been removed tombstones made from the left on important Italian events like the thousands of dead killed by the Communists in Tito foibe (hidden for decades on school textbooks), or as the other thousands of Italians killed in the immediate the post-war "heroes" partisans, just because the fascists or assumed (without ever told and reported by an unheard Giorgio Pisano, then finally recovered and brought to the forefront of a leftist, journalist and writer Giampaolo Pansa).
no surprise, returning to the topical, if anti-fascism has been partially supplanted dall'antiberlusconismo and if anti-Americanism is currently dormant due to President Obama, but ready to upsurge soon there will be the excuse. It is also obvious disregard for the facts in Iran. Oh, yes, because after all those who protest in Iran, defying the iron fist of the regime, did not then all these reasons to complain and threaten their lives. We would rather we Italians to have more reason to rebel against a government elected democratically. Why are we having to endure the absolute power of the most authentic and ferocious dictator never appeared on the face of the earth that we should rise up and oust Berlusconi. More or less so I think the various Santoro, Di Pietro, Travaglio, Franceschini, Grillo and vocalist company.
wish them to live, work and profess their ideas in a country ruled by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
I wish the Iranian rebels could win their battle, while we Italians the right to say: thank goodness for Silvio! Attila


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