Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Funniest Tattoo Sentences

I recently wrote a post in which he claimed that Berlusconi and his government will turn the epilogue. Even more recently (in my last post) gave almost taken for granted no-confidence vote in the Dec. 14 vote in Parliament.
I was wrong and I'm happy to admit it. Berlusconi has nine lives. Dominates the political scene for 16 years and every time it takes for the finished shows the great ability to stay afloat. Thanks largely to its ledership and thanks also to the absolute lack of real alternatives to the right, center and left. I do not intend to make a political analysis while the narrow confidence obtained by Berlusconi. All media and various politicians are talking about it. But I like the simplification already heard some comments that summed up the day yesterday: Berlusconi won, Fini lost.
Fini's defeat is undeniable. Its small parties has not stood the test more important. It is possible that breaks up further. Of course, not be easy for the government to complete the term but at least it is clear that there are only two options: either the Berlusconi government (in any edition thereof, with expansion to "repent" Finian and-never say never - UDC), or the election. And finally, another aspect has been clarified by the same prime minister: no agreement with Fini. Sorry
always fall back on "my" An ex-leader, but unfortunately I am sure that will not have the dignity to resign from chairmanship of the House and will try at all costs revenge, leading to exasperation Berlusconi attacks and trying to disrupt the parliamentary process of the measures of the government. I feel like a digression on Italo Bocchino, but I prefer not to do so to avoid being offensive and vulgar. I only say that I find it unbearable and I found reprehensible his speech yesterday to the House.
Those of my generation will remember the breakaway "moderate" Democratic National merged into the MSI. A Fini and those who remain with him my most sincere wish to follow in that experience. Attila

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Strattera And Pulmonary Hypertension

the wake of the campaign of liberation, which he published faces and e-mail addresses of all the MPs elected in Finian PDL and now ready to vote against Berlusconi, today I sent the following message to Bocchino, Urso, and Barbareschi Menia: "Dear Member of Parliament, only to say that I consider myself a traitor the Italian people. Sincerely. Baglio Attilio - Torre d'Isola (PV). Then I wrote another short message through the website of the Chamber of Deputies, the President Fini. I have not saved the text, but more or less I wrote that as a former militant and ex-MSI-AN, as well as ex-councilor and former city councilor, for many years he was the undisputed boss of me. I follow a leader who has imposed even when entering the PDL and to have a new boss, the current premier. I added that some years I do not understand their behavior and are now disgusted by politics, not only because of him. I finished writing that the decision to turn away from the PDL and Berlusconi to me is tantamount to betrayal of the Italian people. I signed, complete with address.
Not that the campaign to Free excites me, but I believe that the so-called Finian is right to think they know how many people do not approve of their choice. Having realized
of my messages sent to a small sample of Finian and their leader, I would add (once again "live") a little more on the current political situation. It struck me that Berlusconi has said for the first time that he is aware of their age and leave a young person. Thought likely to Alfano. They continue to amaze me and hit the envy and hatred that Fini, Casini, C. & Mouthpiece express any statement against the premier. I make sense of the words written by Philip Smith on the website of "future generations" about who the real "traitor" (obviously he's Berlusconi), in language reminiscent of the anathemas launched against the fascists in the 70's by ' extreme left.
Filippo Rossi was offended so much for the photos with Free beaten on the front page and an article about Enzo Raisi (which, according to the newspaper, he began to "betray" already as a teenager), who writes: "Surely the rancid stench of this article is not the same photo on the front page beaten, but still shows that the Berlusconi" cultural "has reached a point of no return to what is stirring in the sewers of the human soul, in putrid slime of sinister feelings that pretend to ideas. " I think the most obscure characters like this are really Filippo Rossi mounted a bit 'too much head.
a painful situation that Italian. A (net) center-right majority that is going to destroy itself. Incomprehensible political suicide. The probability that we return back twenty years, a consociational political, dominated by the Agreements and the mess-ups between parties and small parties. Do
almost taken for granted no-confidence vote on 14 December. I doubt that, despite the majority of Italians would like, and Fini, is formed a transitional government.
wonder if Berlusconi once again going to surprise everyone, getting back to win the election and maybe after you pass the baton to his successor a surprise. If only to see ousted and marginalized Fini and his gang of traitors, is the only hope that I can do.