Friday, June 26, 2009

Plax Remineralization

Immigrant mothers and daughters

The specificity of Annassim has always been to develop positive action by migrant women related primarily to the relationship between women, work hard, complex, not without difficulty - given the empathy that often arise, but it has paid off
The immigrant women, learning about the native people were trusted and easy-trusted with their problems and their difficulties. We talked about it with affection but also estimate professional competence, without improvisation social workers or psychologists-let alone the place of the services.

Women are indispensable means to get to communicate with the children-and we are convinced that working on so-called "second generation" means first of all to work with women and do support parental function. We

transcript, parts of the discussions made in meetings and in writing seminars, and collected in handouts that are available for those interested
our analysis on what we heard and experienced by migrant women-mothers is that women approach the
90% are Arabs from Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco, Iraq
some years in Italy for family reunion
As stated by one of them "have moved their bodies but not their thoughts and feelings" - they find it difficult to think an "integration" in the semantics of that period. Would be ready to re-return to the country of origin if there were safety and survival ...
their back but a double contradiction - the difficulties to live well in our country, hope to build a better future for their children, able to seize the opportunities in spite of everything Italy has to offer them, the will for a emancipation of the children especially through the study, and the perennial desire to re-return to the country of origin.
For their claim to this land-always-feel "foreign" and often feel a sense of estrangement from their children also-e. These are the situations where the greater the conflict con i figli: alcuni arrivati in Italia piccolissimi e ormai maggiorenni , altri nati in Italia.

Costanti positive presenti in tutte :
1-il riconoscimento del valore dell’istruzione, della cultura , del senso dei diritti, della democrazia che vorrebbero che i loro figli – sia maschi che femmine-assorbissero in pieno
2 il voler trasmettere il senso di appartenenza e le radici della cultura dei genitori , compresa la conoscenza della lingua madre
E’ come se tali donne, alcune delle quali con scarsa scolarizzazione , vedessero ,proiettandosi soprattutto nelle figlie femmine , un loro processo di emancipazione attraverso lo studio, e l’acquisizione di titoli accademici . In tutte abbiamo riscontrato awareness and the need that the woman is well recognized and respected as a person, even for its cultural value and the acquisition of modern skills.

to us, such awareness and aspirations is in itself a great success in the migratory process and the acquisition of greater self-esteem - As a woman, the best equipped in the parental role

immigrant mothers and daughters free

From conversations with women from other countries and Italian women who married a "non-EU" on the strategies implemented in the educational processes of the daughters

Hend. AMED
28 years-born in Cairo - married to an Italian Muslim -
Mariem 11 years and mother of Omar 10 born in Italy. Waiting for a third child

... I fear especially for the future of my children. I am convinced that the basis of solid growth is the family. I think the fundamental role of the mother. And 'what is more time with their children, but it is essential that parents are in harmony, that there are quarrels and conflicts between the two because the children are living peacefully and learn how to be alive.
I can be considered successful in this role as a mother, I've always fared well, and say that I got married I was 16 years. At that age I arrived in Italy from Egypt. I married an Italian - my current husband to love and to have this man near blond with blue eyes who looked after me - gave me an instant sense of security.
I knew nothing of life, including pregnancy made me happy but it seemed a game. I quickly learned, once became a mother, from friends, relatives of my husband. the rules of my new role.
We can say that I grew up with my kids, I played a lot with them and play them and I think this has helped a lot to me as a reliable reference, although they are also very attached to her father. My children have never had problems at school entry, speak and write Italian
speak Arabic as I want them to be present in the vein of culture I come from, although I'm Italian and I know that will never return to Egypt, except for holidays. now I also have Italian citizenship.

I do not use different methods in the education of male and female. I do not think we should pay particular attention to the difference. They must be well educated both in behavior, respect for others and the rules of civilized life. The child is more studious, more orderly, more diligent, and this gives her a lot of respect by peers is highly regarded by teachers. But I want to know that the male household chores. It earns him in the sense of freedom and autonomy. can not depend on a woman to live, for cooking, for tidying up his room etc, as I really want that Mariem studies, prepare for a profession of a certain social status. For her first marriage that I want an intellectual, cultural and economic autonomy. On whether or not her husband have referred. I do not think should be necessarily Italian or Egyptian, I just hope it can be a serious person, correctly, that I respect it. My children must rely on itself first of all and focus all its positive qualities that are many. A man but you can lose yourself with the value of intelligence, culture and able to face life NO: it is good that will remains forever

Both my husband raise their children in healthy religious principles, within the rules of the Koran they can find the right way and a balance of life. These are the principles that I have given
and give me the strength to go forward even in difficult times. Along with these values, they must have a cultural school all that this country offers.
Here I'd really like that they managed to get his degree and take that course of study for me that was impossible.
for my aging counted the example and teachings of my mother, inspired by the Koran and its sacrifices, in a context of extreme poverty, to work hard to allow 5 children to live with us, the rest was life itself to teach and contact with this country that is Italy
The poverty and difficult life in Egypt were my University: the fitness of life that make me wishing that my children live inspired by the religious principles of Islam, even if I do not think I ever would oppose their lifestyle choices, I have great respect for the freedom that every human being should have


39 years-born in Iraq by Iraqi father and Turkish mother, married a Kurdish
Mother of two boys (18 - 12 years) and a female (6 years)

.... I am very happy to live in Italia, questo pese ha molte cose belle , offre molte opportunità e poi mi ha salvato la vita. Non mi stancherò mai di ripetere questo ai miei figli. Loro , soprattutto i maschi hanno una gran capacità di sdoppiarsi , è come se avessero due personalità senza essere schizofrenici . Se sono a scuola , in mezzo agli altri a giocare sono italiani , parlano italiano seguono le regole civili di questo paese, appena entrano in casa “ salam alicum” parlano in arabo e sono tutt’uno con me e il padre .
Io li vedo sereni , a scuola sono bravi, parlano bene l’italiano, hanno buoni rapporti con i compagni , rispettano e sono rispettati , ma quando capita - anche nelle discussioni che fanno a scuola durante le lessons if they are not convinced of the opposite of what the teachers explained, expressing their views strongly .. For example, the teacher talked about the theory of evolution and my children Darwn A. denied saying he could not accept that human beings descended from apes, as it is believed that man was created by God
He firmly believes in the principles of the Koran and can not choose at this stage of his life, including two authoritative principles. I do not pose much problem, I think the important thing for them is to have certainty and points of reference is not controversial. As adults have more tools to combine scientific principles with the religious principles and will their choices. Now they need certainty above all peace love and family support. I am thoroughly convinced that the family is fundamental in the acquisition of their security in their equilibrium in the formation of their identity.
every night I read to my children a story, a story, a few wrote that expresses a moral message, explaining some element full of great ethical value, which helps them to reflect and grow.
My husband plays with them too much ball, and this also like other children of the neighborhood. Team up with an adult who likes like them but at the same time is a person they can rely and upon which trust and confidence and esteem. When our children are not the pitch are the other fellows who come to call. And this seems very nice. I note with regret that many children, especially immigrant children, are never with their parents, especially those who never play with them, but often the kids are alone all day.

Even the religious principles expressed in the Qur'an are essential for healthy growth. To begin with prayer. The various stages of prayer, for example, designed to organize your time is valuable and should not be wasted.
and 'how to make sense with the day to study, especially when you're very young is important to have an organization of this type
My children are studying very If they have a new book in hand do not leave if they have not finished reading
It 'important that they know well this country because they feel part of it. If they feel like their country will never speak ill or behaving badly against its inhabitants.
One day my son of 12 years, perhaps after hearing speeches from his friends back home and says "... but these Italians ..."
will take it back immediately and say "never talk anymore - but you know that this country has saved us? has given us many opportunities, no Arab country has been able to welcome us and allow us to escape the war and continue to live safely. .. " Si-in Italy there are many opportunities especially for the studies, although I fear that in future years with the Gelmini reform school quality will deteriorate and fall to the level of school in Iraq.

I'm sure that in Italy, my children will be graduating high qualified and professional purposes. They are fluent in Italian, Arabic, turkish and English, but the core of their training is the family. If you are strong in the teachings and values \u200b\u200bthat we send them, find in themselves the tools to recognize and combat the dangers that the company offers them

Despite his young age, I have some inkling that I will be more difficult to educate the female. She was born in Italy and in spite of the family and the frequent trips to Iraq and Turkey, where many of our relatives live, most felt the stress of her companions. Just think, only six years old and always asks new clothes, designer shoes ... It 's a way to be "equal" ... maybe. Of course I can not please her, I must explain calmly, whenever it makes a request of this kind, what these mean consumerist desires and approved.

With males I have less problems are already critical of certain youth behavior or a certain way of dressing. Instinctively, I do not approve of, for example, that girls go around the navel uncovered or pants that can be glimpsed the pants, but they are very respectful of the opposite sex and never above it.

I think in my role as a mother is essential, contribute to more and more Italians feel my children, because only love this country can take advantage of all opportunities offered to them and contribute to its development and democratic society.
why I also love Italy and I feel Italian even though I can not deny my identity as a woman in Iraq are very proud

February 4, 2009
31 years, comes from Côte d'Ivoire (from capital, Yamoussoukro) , Is in Italy for many years.
In Côte d'Ivoire has achieved maturity
In Italy, she worked as a factory worker in the factory until she became pregnant with her son and had to leave work. Now is looking for a job.
She 's married to a man like you coming from Ivory Coast, a worker in Bargellino. The husband did not help at all at home, "is one of those men who think that man's place is on the couch" and that it is the woman to take care of the house and children. Especially since Sandrine left the job, no nothing, "is just lazy and do something if" the accused for years. "

Sandrine has a son male, 15 months, born in Italy. Go to the nest, where Sandra has agreed for it to be up at six, but for now, until he finds a job, it picks up about four. The nest is crucial for you because no other aid: Do you have family here, but everyone has their own children to worry about. The staff of the nest is very kind and helpful, and she "negotiated" with them many aspects of the treatment of his son, because he has clear ideas about how he wants to be educated. Moreover, since it is the first child when she has questions or need advice due to inexperience is addressed to them. Other times they are the teachers who call to offer advice on something (for example, is been so for a bottle, because it was time to stop). This, then, the nest is a reference, which replaces a little 'family support, now far away.
Sandrine is very pessimistic about the future of his son in Italy, and also for his own. Therefore, his project is to bring the child to his mother in Côte d'Ivoire, will grow there. With what Sandra and her husband earn, here would be hard, while in Côte d'Ivoire could afford to study (very important for her) in the best schools, even the French. And then there is much more difficult to raise children, parents are just too authoritarian, and children grow up uneducated, say many bad words and naughty. In Côte d'Ivoire is educated with much more authority when we need you also use the "strong methods" when it wants to slap you give. And then as soon as children are not under control, come into contact with negative role models: it takes a lot of attention to ensure that follow them, you should always stay behind them and often even that is enough. Sandrine see all the work that is her sister. Moreover, it is sure that her son is much less difficult to grow there "with those of his race," but here it is so difficult to integrate and gain respect. Another reason for great pessimism and the economic crisis. So you're just aspettando il permesso di soggiorno (che è trattenuto in questura) per poter andare a portare il figlio in Costa d'Avorio.
Sandrine ha un progetto ben preciso: si sta costruendo una casa in Costa d'Avorio, e non appena l'avrà finita ed avrà messo da parte abbastanza soldi per poter aprire un'attività in proprio, tornerà là.
Sandrine è protestante, è per lei la fede è molto importante anche nell'educazione di suo figlio. Si impegna molto nell'educazione del figlio, per far sì che lui cresca con dei forti valori, tra cui quello della fede. Ma, se lui sposasse una ragazza di un'altra religione, non sarebbe un problema, l'importante sono l'affetto e il rispetto.
Riguardo le differenza education of male and female, to Sandrine there are significant differences. Above all, the male is the one that will go, once an adult and married, because it says that the wife draws the full attention of her husband, is the control. The female, however, that in the future will be to continue to take care of their parents.


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