Sunday, November 28, 2010

Dryness Before Implantation

Direct Messages

Today, unlike usual, I write "live". Ie not prepare my post in a Word file and then published at a later time. I started to write well without knowing what to talk about and having sailed a bit 'over the network in this gloomy and home Sunday in November. One Sunday afternoon when I was safely at home, after running this morning in the rain mixed with snow, after having lunch with my wife, my son and his girlfriend watching the game in Inter tv. They are more or less than seven in the evening and I'm here at the computer. I saw a little 'statistics of my blog, and even with modest numbers, I noticed with pleasure that someone keep reading. Someone who is definitely interested in politics and it is curious to know how I feel. I thank those "someone" for your attention and I feel impelled to write a bit 'more often. At least I intend to do it, but I do not know if I'll keep my word. This year, I wrote very little.
In a couple of weeks we will know if this government be able to gain confidence. In a couple of weeks we will know whether you will be completely consumed the betrayal of Fine & C. It 's a dark period, the policy offers only a bad example.
few days ago I saw on TV the screening program casually Gad Lerner "The Infidel", devoted to the diaries of Mussolini. There was discussion about the authenticity of these diaries, discovered (or rediscovered) and data printed by Dell'Utri. There were the usual representatives of the partisans who said the same things and anti-fascist outrage A representative of Casa Pound who said he felt a fascist of the third millennium. Gad Lerner that there was outrage at the House of Representative Pound especially for a sentence of which more or less began: "If Italy had won the war ..." . Gad claimed that he, jew, if Italy had won the war of the fascists, would not have been able to be there to conduct a television broadcast. Also during the transmission is also said that newspapers and TV, when they publish or broadcast something on the leader, respectively sell thousands of copies in more and increase the audience. Not obvious due to the fact that there is a huge number of fans but apparently due Mussolini the charm and grandeur, for better or for worse, the "greatest statesman of the century" (true, Fini?).
's nearly eleven o'clock at night. Today was the day that he expected the new release of confidential documents of American diplomacy on the part of the site Wikileaks. For a change, given the early sites of newspapers and news from the U.S. point to a footnote that refers to "wild parties of Berlusconi." But I do not want to talk about Wikileaks, which the new revelations will discover the real impact internationally in the coming days. And do not even want to take care of the sinful life of the Italian prime minister. I started my "live" with the idea of \u200b\u200bwriting project. Taking writing after a break of several hours, I lost the momentum. Today I am strangely calm. It happens rarely. I could continue to talk about politics for a bit angry '. Not worth it. At least tonight.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Catan City And Knights Pc Game Licance


fruit. The sunset of Berlusconi seems ever closer. He is slowly losing the confidence of the Italians. Resist, react, fights and beats the usual fighting spirit, but I think in his heart he understood that his government and its leadership turn the epilogue. A sad ending, which could become unseemly. For him and for Italy. Finian betrayed by traitors. Betrayed by himself. What crap. E 'sick from the behavior Almirante former Dolphin, who made us slip back in the real theater of Italian politics of the past with distinction and discontinuity, the vetoes, the withdrawal of the delegation of Ministers and so on. We lack only the possible mess-ups between the Judas who talks like Veltroni and other political forces antiberlusconiane (Granata seems willing to ally even with Vendola) are called "parallel convergences" and we go back over twenty years. E 'be sick the whole plethora of girls, just to become famous, prostituted themselves (or indicate they would have done) with Berlusconi. A bit sick the attorney also Knight, too busy to deal with young women. It 'true that the average Italian man, with the determination of sex and women, women facing such an offer, it would neither more nor less the same way. But it is also true that the head of government, even if subtly attacked and instrumentally, is hardly a good example of moral integrity and behavior. Beyond all false teeth out of morality but, I think Berlusconi Ruby on the case has offered its worst, committing more than just weight. The predicament is returned to the fore the famous hygienist Minetti, regional advisor on Berlusconi's diktat on the grounds that, without being too malicious, are obvious. Grounds But for those who have been in politics with passion, putting time and money, are unacceptable.
Probably me who are reading at this point may suspect that if I'm approaching the thesis antiberlusconiane of Fine and the Left. Not at all. The current partner of Tulliani, usurper of the principles and ideals of a generation of militants MSI, in my eyes is the worst of all. And 'he who is slipping into the quagmire of the worst policy. Men's say (just), for years he says, contradicts and betrays. What is very sorry that appear to increase the right people willing to trust him and believe that with the Future and Freedom is a party to be reborn really right. To many, especially among young people, I recognize the good faith, and told him to prepare for the disappointments and betrayals that their leader will get them if he can surely achieve their personal goals. "In addition Berlusconi, as well as the PDL," Fini proclaimed recently. Its usual function words that do not lead anywhere except to a new crushing political allegiances, and then, in the case of elections, coalitions and composite manifold, ready to fall apart in the halls of Parliament, a future of real estate and ungovernable. Maybe it's time to think "yes" go further ", but other than Berlusconi, Fini, Bossi, Casini, Bersani, Di Pietro, etc.. In short, over the entire current Italian political class. But this is a dream. They are empty words. Like those of Fini. The new reality is envisaged as the only way out of the election, with PDL League and against all. Uncertain outcome. Any technical government could really unleash the square. And then, as seen from the right, in this situation would need a stroke of theater that could be implemented only Berlusconi. Let's say Napolitano is forced to dissolve the rooms and that we go to early elections. Then - and only then - yes Berlusconi could take a step back by giving up prime candidate. Fini and thus displacing the left who suddenly lose the glue of any alternative coalition. PDL League and should permanently close with Finian, considering them and denouncing them as the real cause of the crisis of governance and at best could open the UDC. Who instead of Berlusconi? The PDL could quickly organize the primaries with a kind of candidates nominated by the national leadership of the party, by members and supporters to choose who should be the candidate for prime minister. Here are "my" and eligible candidates in order of preference, chances of success: 1) Formigoni, to guarantee the moderate Catholic vote, a strong exception to the curriculum guide of the Lombardy region. Experienced decision maker as required. 2) Alemanno, to safeguard the voting Right now Trusted by moderates. A man of proven loyalty and honesty. A history of passionate activism, enough experience in government (he was an excellent minister). This from a (successful) mayor of the capital. 3) Alfano, ensuring Berlusconi ... Young, determined, skilled dialectically, one of the most successful minister of the government. The renewal of the outsider. 4) Tremonti, a guarantee of competence and political than technical. Lacking in charm and charisma, but could also do it to win the electoral contest.
four aces or just a bluff? Attila

Monday, November 1, 2010

Internet Through Firewire

I was talking with my father

I was talking with my dad on the phone a few days ago. We both wondered why an intelligent man and rich as Berlusconi did not decide to drop everything and everybody, by withdrawing one of his villas around the world. A good speech to the nation, in announcing his decision to leave the government and political activity. Reason? The yield of the unchanging face "political theater" and all'ingovernabilità the Italian people.
take off in this way the life-blood, almost the only reason to exist and act in the political arena all of his opponents, Mr. Fini understood. Italy would return fully in the hands of politicians mock political right, left, center. Policy which, unfortunately, politicians is also chock the party of Prime Minister.
I was talking with my father before the outbreak of the "Ruby case."
Now that everyone screams scandal, demanding the resignation of Prime Minister, I am convinced that even more than before Berlusconi prevail in anger and pride that will last until hard. Sure, give hours would admit a total defeat in the face and then another attempt to unseat for legal remedies through a new story linked to his personal life, Berlusconi will be even more aggressive than before and will probably react like a wounded lion.
While continuing to believe that Berlusconi would do well to send his country to that country and giving assume that it will not, I believe that the state has increased significantly the risk of a fall in the hands of the government and very balanced democraticissima Italian judiciary, backed the traitor, "the third charge, backed by the same, from the left and now even many Catholics and presdiente of Confindustria. All ready to secure the endorsement, however, the Communist President of the Republic, to bless the birth of a so-called caretaker government. In the face of the Italian people.

You should try to go to the polls before the dawn of betrayal (the last of many!) Finiano. Now the disgruntled, the trumpet, the politicians, the envy of all latitudes are joining irrimediamilmente undermine from within and now, as in Rome at the local level, the center-right majority. Bossi and Berlusconi was right was wrong not to support him this time and it is wrong to seek arrangements with the "third leg" created by the third charge. From
Noemi, through the D'Addario, Ruby, the long ordeal that the media is subjected Berlusconi since he won the last democratic elections, no stops. Though not so far dampened the popularity and the majority consensus of the Italians, it is undeniable that the image damage done to him and to our country at international level is severe. It 'no use going into the behavior and lifestyle of premier. Gossip in our political class if they have always felt, even at the time of the first republic democristianissima. Just to name a few, it was said that the singer Rosanna Fratello was the lover of Aldo Moro, Emilio Colombo that he was gay, that Fini himself had ever booked a hotel room of Independence Street Baglioni in Bologna, where he spent night with a mysterious lover during his short visit in Bologna. Berlusconi, even before the gossip became a permanent instrument in the fight poilitca, I've heard of any. So what? For newspapers not interested in anything ever, people are much less common. Then, when the Republic has begun his campaign of hatred, the opponents of Berlusconi, his private behavior have made it the workhorse of trying to unseat. Fake moralists. One of these is our traitor par excellence, the one that the newspaper now rightly depicted as a jackal.

But beyond all, there is no denying that the situation of the government and the PDL is anything but positive. Surrounded with Berlusconi, elections and the hypothesis of a distant government, in case of a crisis of government, very likely, there is very little to be happy. Although it is not like the feeling that the government is experiencing a stalled unfortunately increases. E 'returned the waste emergency in Naples, just one day of rain and disasters happen, the economic crisis hard to pass and unemployment rises. But then it is useless to
easy demagoguery in the face of a people as our increasingly selfish and uncaring, who is passionate morbidly developments and background of the atrocious crimes of young girls and that basically follows the story of para-sexual Berlusconi with a mixture of envy and admiration.
It would take a turn. It would take a man to steer and control without delay, the Italian people. Berlusconi would have the ability to be the leader in Italy needs, but he succeeded only in part. Mainly because harnessed by a political system and old caste, but also for their responsibilities and weaknesses of both political and human.
Although this is not the best time to do so and to give in to the many dragons that await the end, if you decide to drop everything and everybody, probably would fall to his feet. Attila