you are invited to attend the congress of the circle
for the renovation of the governing bodies (Secretary and Co-ordination of movement)
Sunday, January 17, 2010 from 9.30 am to 19
(voting open from 11 to 18) at CAM
C.so Garibaldi, 27 (corner Via G. Strehler, formerly of the Angels Via)
E 'an important event, which we hope many will participate, because on that occasion:
discuss national and local politics the role and the proposals of the Democratic Party to build an alternative to the center-right alliances and reform
we will face on the proposals for the work of the circle: what ideas, activities, programs for political work in our area
vote for the office of the secretary, who was nominated Anna Stack (spokesman for outgoing) and members of the coordination of the circle which will consist of 20 people (10 men and 10 women) selected by secret ballot by expressing preferences (up to a maximum of 3 men and 3 women) on a proposal for a unified list.
Who wants to nominate a member of the co-ordination can do so by sending an e-mail by 11 January 2010
Marco Leonardi marco.leonardi @ unimi.it
Mattia Abdu mattia.abdu @ gmail.com Vitantonio
Ripoli vitantonio.ripoli @ studioripoli.it
We also send a photo and a brief Curriculum Vitae to raise awareness of candidates.
Congress is public, but members will participate in the vote e le iscritte al 21 luglio 2009.
Le candidature a Segretario e al Coordinamento di Circolo verranno presentate in un’assemblea degli iscritti e delle iscritte, in cui discuteremo anche del programma di lavoro del circolo
Lunedì 11 gennaio 2010 alle ore 21
presso il Circolo in Corso Garibaldi, 75.
Ci auguriamo di incontrarvi numerosi a gennaio e vi auguriamon i più sentiti auguri di Buone Feste.
Il coordinamento del Circolo “Milano Centro – Aldo Aniasi”
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