no gifts from the mafia: the thing seized goods are ours!
Thirteen years ago, more than a million people signed the petition calling on Parliament to approve the law for the social use of property confiscated from the mafia. A call picked up by all political forces, which voted unanimously for the law 109/96. Was crowned, so, the dream of those who, starting with Pio La Torre, had paid with his life the commitment to take away from the clan accumulated wealth illegally.
Today that 'commitment is likely to be betrayed. An amendment introduced in the Senate Finance Law, in fact, provides for the sale of confiscated property that you can not allocate within three to six months. It 's easy to imagine, thanks to notes of the mafia organizations ability to mask their presence, who will come forward to buy villas, houses and land belonging to the boss e che rappresentavano altrettanti simboli del loro potere, costruito con la violenza, il sangue, i soprusi, fino all'intervento dello Stato.
La vendita di quei beni significherà una cosa soltanto: che lo Stato si arrende di fronte alle difficoltà del loro pieno ed effettivo riutilizzo sociale, come prevede la legge. E il ritorno di quei beni nelle disponibilità dei clan a cui erano stati sottratti, grazie al lavoro delle forze dell'ordine e della
magistratura, avrà un effetto dirompente sulla stessa credibilità delle istituzioni.
Per queste ragioni chiediamo al governo e al Parlamento di ripensarci e di ritirare l'emendamento sulla vendita dei beni confiscati. Si rafforzi, piuttosto, l'azione of those investigating to find the wealth of the clan. Reforms be introduced social rules that facilitate the reuse of goods and is given practical effect to the rule that states the confiscation of property to the corrupt. It will be primarily allocated to the families of victims and witnesses of justice mafia money and resources stolen from the mafia. But we do not sell those seized assets representing the sign of the redemption of an Italy civil, honest and courageous. Because these goods are really all "our thing".
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