Fitokova Olga is a girl like many others, aged 24. E 'was born in Liberec and studying to become a doctor in Prague. Dreams of opening a studio of his own, and maybe to work with Albert Schweitzer. It 'also successful athlete, who played basketball and handball, as a goalkeeper. Two years before the Olympics in Melbourne, his coach, Otakar Jander, I suggest you try the discus throw. Given his athletic level and the high degree of neuromuscular coordination, he says, you just learn the technique and find the rhythm. One day before the Games meets a hammer U.S., Harold Connolly. The two attend and become the golden couple of the Olympics. The Fikotova had arrived in Australia without great expectations of fans and the attention of the experts was asked Emil Zatopek. Despite the habit of discipline less than the opponents, however, Fikotova won the race ahead of two Russian athletes and set a new Olympic record by throwing the disc at 53.7 meters. It will be the only Olympic gold medal for his country.
The next day, Connolly's turn to win the gold with new record of the Games on Russian Krivosonov. Having overcome the first difficulty of conversation (Olga spoke little English, Connolly a fragmented German) discovered that, despite coming from two opposing blocs, had similar ideas and friendship slowly is transformed into a feeling of love. But the problem is "political" of their union grew, and this in a sense, as she explains years later, helped to strengthen their union. Connolly was able to understand what that relationship was frowned upon by the Czechoslovak delegation at a concert organized as part of the Cultural Olympics. When Olga came to two of their leaders to present her boyfriend, the two simply turned away. The American was surprised: "I think it's infectious." No, he was only the uniform of another color, the wrong color for them. Politics intervened again in their relationship. Olga was called at the consulate in Sydney the excuse of a party, but was effectively blocked until the departure of the ship with the athletes of the United States also received only a gold watch and a prize of $ 3,000, the lowest among those assigned to the athletes who participated in the Games, although it was the only gold medal.
A year later, in 1957, Harold Connolly began a journey across Europe as a goodwill ambassador for the Department of State. After the tour, Harold goes to Prague. And he married Olga. Once a decision is reached, however, it should ask for permission to marry a foreigner. The practices are long, with a long series of papers to sign. Even after completion, however, Olga is attacked because it would betray his country to marry an American Fascist. Connolly then proposed to write a letter to the President of the Republic, Antonin Zapotocky. Harold sends a, Olga another. In those days it was doing a conference to discuss strategies to improve the sport of Czechoslovakia, which also involves Emil Zatopek, who tried to speak to the president, but he abruptly said he has no time to deal with personal matters. But the day after receiving a letter from Olga: It is convened by the President, the day before had been wrong to believe that Connolly's father had some kind of interest or business and ask him publicity. Olga asks the President put a good word with the offices that were supposed to grant permission. A few days after the permit arrives.
was a secret wedding, held a Wednesday. The politicians would not have liked a ceremony at the weekend, so Olga insists that is carried on a working day: she was granted permission to celebrate the marriage, but would not tell anyone. The day arrives, but the car they were traveling, the couple can not find in Old Town Square, where he was supposed to get married. This is not an accident: 25 000, maybe 30 thousand people had invaded to attend the ceremony. The wedding witnesses were Dana and Emil Zatopek.
Olga also obtained a permit to leave Czechoslovakia for the U.S. but not a passport. He arrived in Washington and looking for explanations to the embassy of his country, but the official does not know what to do. Approach, meanwhile, the European athletics in Stockholm. And Olga did not receive a visa to go to Sweden. Olga was still training to take part, so he writes to find out how to qualify, saying he was ready to return to Czechoslovakia in order to overcome the training. The answer is, however, that is no longer considered a Czechoslovak citizen who can not train to Prague was not authorized to represent the former Czechoslovakia. Athletes, however, was told that Olga had refused to compete for Czechoslovakia.
Olga Fikotova compete for the United States in four more Olympics, will also be recognized the honor of being flag-bearer in Monaco 1972. He did not win more gold medals at the Games, though. The marriage with Harold Connolly, from which they were born four children, ended in the mid-seventies.
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