Independence From wikipedia: In certain arts, independent psycho-motor in the arms or between the four members is essential, for example, to the practice of certain musical instruments such as the battery .
I think this definition makes sense, at least more sensible for the choice of musical genre to the word independent. Perhaps not everyone knows that India is indeed independent from and has nothing to do with the Indians (of America or India that they are).
The independent music means everything revolves around labels small or very small.
had a strong sense of choice and if we are marked a "field" to the '90s, when the means of music production were held mainly by those who could afford high fees for recording studios, sound engineers and expensive tapes. As you well know in 1990 (for example) would never have been able to record an album in his bedroom.
Beyond the purely technical considerations, however, the key issue of independence in the world of art (music, film, etc..) Concerns do not compromise and can be summarized as follows: "I am independent and I am a dick to me Apparently, no one can force me to do things that I do not like or that I never thought of doing, but to sell and earn more money as possible. "
Today this word has lost its original meaning, but worse still, has taken on several meanings so different, so, in my view, has virtually no longer any sense in itself, you can safely treat the word as a pure type of the sound track, bababum, clokkete so dear to the Futurists.
We are the examples:
Three boys (bass, guitar and drums) decided to form a group, throw down some ideas for songs and music that you respond to the question: "Indie-Rock."
Three boys (computer, low and synth) decided to form a group, throw down some ideas for songs and music that you answer the question: "Indie-tronic"
labels, major or minor they are, in this context does not exist at all!
But the strangest thing and if we are contradictory (true neo-oxymoron) is that which sees groups define indie labels produced by multimillionaires. * Wow
three citations in one fell swoop.
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