2009: a journey into a new language, or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and hate indie music
Independence From wikipedia: In certain arts, independent psycho-motor in the arms or between the four members is essential, for example, to the practice of certain musical instruments such as the battery .
I think this definition makes sense, at least more sensible for the choice of musical genre to the word independent. Perhaps not everyone knows that India is indeed independent from and has nothing to do with the Indians (of America or India that they are). The independent music means everything revolves around labels small or very small. had a strong sense of choice and if we are marked a "field" to the '90s, when the means of music production were held mainly by those who could afford high fees for recording studios, sound engineers and expensive tapes. As you well know in 1990 (for example) would never have been able to record an album in his bedroom. Beyond the purely technical considerations, however, the key issue of independence in the world of art (music, film, etc..) Concerns do not compromise and can be summarized as follows: "I am independent and I am a dick to me Apparently, no one can force me to do things that I do not like or that I never thought of doing, but to sell and earn more money as possible. " Today this word has lost its original meaning, but worse still, has taken on several meanings so different, so, in my view, has virtually no longer any sense in itself, you can safely treat the word as a pure type of the sound track, bababum, clokkete so dear to the Futurists. We are the examples: Three boys (bass, guitar and drums) decided to form a group, throw down some ideas for songs and music that you respond to the question: "Indie-Rock." Three boys (computer, low and synth) decided to form a group, throw down some ideas for songs and music that you answer the question: "Indie-tronic" labels, major or minor they are, in this context does not exist at all! But the strangest thing and if we are contradictory (true neo-oxymoron) is that which sees groups define indie labels produced by multimillionaires. * Wow
Milano, morto Ernesto Treccani Tra i più grandi poeti dell'"immagine" 27/11/2009 E' con profondo dispiacere che vi comunichiamo la scomparsa di Ernesto Treccani nostro iscritto che ha illustrato con la sua pittura la storia national and has always actively participated in the life of our club, along with his wife, Lidia De Grada, not a few years ago. She was named the club's Youth of the Left Zone 1 in 2006. Ernesto was born in Milan on August 26, 1920. The news was released through his official website and then confirmed by his daughter Magdalene that was close until the end. For those who wish to attend the funeral, the appointment is tomorrow Saturday at h14.30 in Via Carlo Porta 3. Marco
to Sempione Park - Public Meeting The squaring of circles
Advisers Zone 1 meet committees and citizens against the construction of the Ferris wheel at the Parco Sempione Friday 27 - 21 hours CAM Garibaldi - Corso Garibaldi 27 With reference to the mail received in Zone 1 Board on the request of the Committee of Citizens' Park Free "communicate that confirmed the meeting with the Committee is open to all Citizens with the directors of the Zone who wish to participate.
I have nothing against immigrants and foreigners. Among them are decent people, serious and honest, but there are people less well, well, criminals. Also among us is so Italian. Among all men was, is and always will. In Italy, unfortunately, immigrants are more recognized are those who commit crimes, or those who are struggling to integrate. This creates a general and widespread sense of discomfort to them, which reminds me some of what the North felt for our own immigrants from South in the '50s and '60s. Sure, there are many differences between the two situations and the two eras. Fifty years ago, is the integration between the Italians, in our time concerns the integration ethnicities, cultures, traditions and cultures very different. I reiterate: different. the political right MSI license plate in the early '70s in general supported the view that each nation should decide their own destiny in their own home and that the people and the poorest and underdeveloped countries should be helped by the richer countries, bringing money, work and "civilization" in their home. A position that, with the necessary upgrades dictated by contemporary reality, even today in many ways can be shared. The vast majority of Italians are not racist. It never was. The great tolerance and willingness to quiet living of our people has so far never created major problems and social relevance. But there is someone who for some 'time in this part of the immigrants had their own flag. Do not waste the chance to be champion of their rights and in recent days, creating quite a stir in front of a group of foreign children and adolescents, said that asshole who thinks that foreigners are different. That someone is behaving as if in Italy there was an emergency xenophobic towards immigrants. I am convinced that this man really the immigrants did not care. Just as he did not care Never cared nothing of his former comrades, who spoke of fascism in 2000. Just as it's never affected anything of the Jews, who spoke of fascism as an absolute evil, asking them to excuse it is not clear in which capacity. The matter only of himself. But it's good at it. Deceived and betrayed. He did so with Almirante, it did so with all the voters first and then An MSI, he's doing with Berlusconi. The paradox is that the ex-communists like it more and more. But they are not in good faith, because for them it is the only weapon available to less blunt in optical anti-Berlusconi. Poor things. The ex-communists who support the ex-fascist. They have no charismatic leaders, are bent on fighting the only one who was able to annihilate them with popular support. Using this unexpected opponent Trojan horse on the front only for convenience grim. Ready, tomorrow, when and if the common enemy had to be neutralized, to hang upside down. So far I have not mentioned. On purpose. Because I like to vomit, because, as I wrote long ago, deserves only indifference. But he has an important position, the media widely reported damage to its exterior and then indifference is ineffective. We must answer blow for blow. The center-right should be isolated even more. Felt is good to stick, to make it clear with whom we deal. Returning to vulgar position of this enlightened character, I would like to remind foreigners that consider different does not mean anything negative. I would say the opposite. Ethnic groups, races, cultures, traditions, religions, values \u200b\u200band principles differ in different populations, even within the same continent. What's wrong? Equal rights and equal opportunities for everyone in the workplace and in society are sacrosanct, we'll miss. But there is diversity. E 'visible, undeniable. Proof asshole. Attila
On Wednesday, Algeria beat Egypt 1-0 on neutral ground in Khartoum, in the decisive tiebreaker to determine the last African team qualified for the next world. Egypt-Algeria, but never a game like the others. Between the two nations, there is a rivalry that goes beyond football, dating back to the disillusionment of the former French colony after the dreams of pan-Arabism was born in the land of the Pharaohs, with Nasser. Two nations who look to football as an outlet for frustrations, two nations in eternal transition towards democracy, in which sport is the only form of active participation in a common cause. This is the story of the "mother of all games" of the African continent.
Cairo, November 20, 2009 - It calms the tension created by the challenges for the World Cup qualifiers . Thousands of angry fans stormed the embassy of Algeria in Cairo in the early hours of this morning. Between insults against Algerians, the Algerian flags on fire and roll of drums, the crowd invaded the exclusive residential island of Zamalek, where the embassy is located. Fans threw rocks and firecrackers at police who defended the embassy and overturned a pickup truck by the police, until the officials have failed to roll back a truncheon blows.
The Algerian embassy attack is the latest in a veritable "war of football" that has engulfed the two countries and that yesterday has prompted Egypt to bring home its ambassador for consultations Algiers.
The embassy assault occurred in the wake of rumors , conveyed from the Internet and also on Facebook, Egyptian killed by Algerian supporters in Khartoum on Wednesday night after the victory over Egypt in Algeria the qualifying match for the World Cup 2010 in South Africa. No death has been confirmed, but Algerian fans smashed the windows of the bus that led the Egyptians to the airport.
Minute 94. The Algeria losing 1-0 to Egypt at the Cairo stadium. For visiting teams to play in the Egyptian capital is always a nightmare. It always has been because the Egyptian regime has always invested heavily to football. The stadium is huge, always full, even beyond its capacity, sometimes even when not enough military to civilian can buy a ticket. Everything should lead to victory of the national home players, kids door-ball, technical staff, street cleaners, ambulance drivers, paramedics, police. One team, one goal, to be achieved at all costs.
E 'the final day of Group C of World Cup qualifiers in Africa, but the two thousand Algerian fans in the stands who are celebrating. Despite the defeat, in fact, Algeria could close in the lead group, level on points with Egypt but with a better goal difference. The Pharaohs, when they miss a minute at the end of the six long minutes of recovery, are about to say goodbye to the dream stage to find the rainbow, from which 90 are missing from Italy.
Egypt, led to the bench by the national football legend Hossam Shehata, twice continental champion, started the game as best he could not, took the lead already at 2 'thanks to Amr Zaki, Zamalek striker after The three rejected the Algerian goalkeeper Lounes Gaouaoui, manifests the joy of eighty in Cairo. The Algerians, who have long controlled the game, creating several chances to draw, but the first time El Hadari, goalkeeper of Egypt rejects the first header Halliche then the punishment of Nadir Belhadj. The threshold interval Anthar Yahia was in my throat the scream of a tie, but the lifeboat Said it frustrates the enthusiasm. In the second half Saifi was shot twice in the qualifying goal in vain.
Egyptian fans are now discouraged. They feel that they are losing "the mother of all games" on the continent. Why Egypt-Algeria is not a match like the others, is not just a football game. In fact, after the 3-1 in favor of going to Algeria of the Desert Fox, the second leg before he had lived a turbulent to say the least. A climate of "football war" that has now gone beyond national boundaries.
the eve of the match Algerian and Egyptian media had to say the least loaded the climate of the Pre, while public authorities are limited a statement that called for calm facade, and behind the scenes feeding attacks in the newspapers. News of modernity, even the blogger of the two nations further ignite sparks violent throwing accusations that often have little to do with technical superiority in the art pedatoria.
The statements by the President of the Egyptian Federation, Samir Zahir, play as many invitations to lynching: Algeria accused of bribing referees in more than a game. Allegations that could have a kernel of truth. It can not be ruled out that the many petrodollars that the Algerian regime has spent on the construction of a national winner will also be served to soften referees and managers. Zahir invites the people to "give no respite to the Algerian team." In the culture of African football "does not give respite" means harass the enemy, the enemy, without rest, until the agony. It means encouraging the axis mbramenti popular means to preach a practice made threats, throwing objects against the opponents, is asking fans to go for an unbearable noise outside the hotel where the opponents are sleeping, all night, for every night, until the day of the match.
practices today a little 'out of use, but in which time Egypt was very clever. And alongside the president lines up commentators TV of the scheme and a host of bloggers and sites that are not limited to the charges of anti-sportsmanship but they attack the Algerians as rapists and even heretical.
A verbal violence that comes from an objective sense of inferiority. Egypt party at a disadvantage because the last group match. He lost a 3-1 first leg, and Algeria has scored lots of goals before the decisive challenge. Egypt has three points less than the Algerians, but the victory is not enough. Algeria has a better goal difference and only passes the first round of the World Cup. The Pharaohs can not be limited to close on equal points, must win c on three-goal margin.
Algerians, as expected, are not watching. All media, collectively, responded to the allegations. Statements to the poison are wasted, even on Facebook. Algiers TV screens broadcast at all hours of songs written ad hoc, each car is dominated by a flag.
When Algerian landing in Cairo, the climate is already quite "fe condo. To accept a stone-throwing. The bus ride from the airport, Iberotel, c he is not far from the airport, in fact, the Algerian national was attacked with stones thrown by a large group of fans. Some players are injured, the star Khalid Lemmouchia, R to FIK Saiki and Rafik Hallike. Following a serious accident, the Egyptian Ambassador to Al geri is immediately summoned. The two teams, yet so divided, they are united in a sense of business. Why is sponsored by the Algerian national Djezzy, the mobile operator then detected by Orascom's Naguib Sawiris, the Egyptian tycoon hundred percent. The plant in Algiers on the eve of the match is devastated: there are five million of damage and theft of € 100 thousand cell phones. The 25 employees at the plant are called at home, as in wartime.
After the attack, the newspaper columnist Ibrahim Issa of the independent Egyptian Al Dostour you, claimed that "football is not far from the policy: If the Egyptians ian team wins the championship is on the President and his son, if he loses it is the fault of the coach and the goalkeeper. " The editor of another independent newspaper, Al Shourok, compared to the match to a war and noted that the national sports extremism pours anger at the hardships endured and his sense of oppression.
Soon the concert could also "peace" organized after the attack, which saw onstage the 'King of Rai' Cheb Khaled and the popular Egyptian singer Mohammed Mounir. no explicit reference to the stage to the game, even though the Algerian Khaled yelled, reports the AFP, 'Long live Egypt, Arab country, and live Algeria, the Arab country. "" Whatever you do - he answered, however, a surfer on the web - people are not prepared to be tolerant. " But what brings these two countries to look at and deal with so much hatred?
An ancient rivalry Algeria and Egypt are two countries in eternal democratic transition, searching for an outlet to forget poverty and dictatorship. Countries where the ritual of the game also contains much more. Where football is a parenthesis to overshadow social hardship, youth unemployment is very high. Countries where the political embarrassment, for various reasons, is far from being erased. Algeria is still out divided by civil war: Calcium is one of those fields where we meet. The football has always been the heart and blood of the former French colony, which has never completely overcome the conflict between its core European, Mediterranean, Paris, evident in Algiers, and bled, the inside back, desert, Sahara. He was an ardent devotee and practitioner Ahmed Ben Bella, President Algeria from 1962 to 1965, which among other government ran a commitment to the football field. A passion that bound him to the then Sports Minister, who had a leading role in the conspiracy that has placed the power to entrust to the chief of the army Houari Boumedienne. The former Sports Minister, who left politics in 1981, returning in 1989 in the Central Committee of the National Liberation Front, is the current president, Abdelaziz Bouteflika. Independent candidate supported by the military, won the 1999 elections with 74% of the vote, according to official sources. But the other candidates had withdrawn suspecting fraud.
In Egypt sports, and football in particular, is not just fun. Here expression is forbidden since 1981, in force since the state of emergency. And the stadium then becomes a tool with which you manage your consent, and even the dissent that winds for years in the country.
But not enough to explain the ferocity of the rivalry between the Foxes of the Desert and the Pharaohs. The hostility has roots far away, in Nasser's pan-Arab dream, that in the early 50s he clashed with the colonial ambitions of Britain and especially France. The government has in fact argued that the trans military aid provided by Nasser to the National Liberation Front has been an essential element to foster and support the movement of the Algerian rebellion in an anti-French. But Nasser has also always reproached the dead, the sacrifice of Egypt, Algeria.
political hostility, November 17, 1989, there has been a significant proportion of animosity purely football. Egypt and Algeria will play the qualifier Italy 90. Egypt won 1-0 and qualified for the World Championships (which will be released in the first round despite having torn admired by stopping the applause of England and the Netherlands). But a few hours after the game, the Egyptian doctor was seriously wounded in one eye. The spear is very serious charge that would have been hit by a broken bottle thrown by Lakhdar Belloumi, Ballon d'Or Africa in 1981, then the principal star of Algerian football with the "Heel of God" Rabat Madjer.
So Belloumi tells the eve and the course of that match, which marked a brutal end of his career, in an interview with DZfoot site in January 2007. "The meeting was outrageous. Had already been appointed a referee scandal, the Tunisian Bennaceur. Before the match we had asked the CAF, the African Federation, to change the referee of the meeting but we have not been heard. It was played in difficult conditions, abnormal. We did not sleep, there were fans in the hotel until two o'clock in the morning. Then, as if not enough, 4-5 hours after the end of the game have created the drama. "
Belloumi has always rejected the accusation that he was the author of the gesture. "Arriving at the hotel," continues in the same interview, "we had to come through the back door at the back. The heads of the delegation were there, saw everything. At the time, did not name, so I will not either. Here a player has thrown a glass in the middle of a group of Egyptian fans, and they have exaggerated the issue. They said they would break the glasses of a physician and a piece of glass that would hurt an eye. The same evening they moved to England, they said, but prevented the Algerian Ambassador to Egypt to see him. And above all mounted accusing me. The professionals were all broken, so Belloumi could do was to blame. "
Despite several eyewitnesses who confirmed the innocence of Belloumi, explaining how the author was the goalkeeper Kamel Kadri, the former African Footballer of the Year is seen by the doctor indicted and convicted in absentia. The applicant was issued a international arrest warrant, which remains standing for 20 years, until last April. Through the mediation of the Egyptian and Algerian Olympic Committees, and the promise of the President of the Republic of Algeria Abdelaziz Bouteflika, who had guaranteed a personal interest in the successful conclusion of the story on the sidelines of a campaign rally in Setif, the victim withdrew the accusation against Belloumi.
"I paid my popularity," said Belloumi in another interview, granted to Mohcen Lamloum the Egyptian magazine "Al-Ahram El-Riyadh" which devoted an entire dossier in that match. "I was the star of Algerian, Egyptian, and we knew little about. But I'm the victim and we have not even seen that evening. Yet we are both victims of a crime that has taken him to an eye and me freedom. "
few months later, then, Algeria had hosted the Africa Cup of Nations. Egypt, four days from the kick-off, threatened to boycott the event. Then he thought better of it but sent a selection of the Under-21 youth and reserves that did not go beyond the first round.
The end of the match Minute 94. The Algerians are celebrating, but the race is not over. When the last action of the race, the Egyptian striker Emad Moteab jumps head, crosses and corner location, the Algerian fans suddenly fell silent. Egypt won 2-0.
"I can tell you that many of my comrades were pale, some even paralyzed," said midfielder Khaled Lemmouchia reporters after the game. "We human beings, have a family like everyone else. If the Fifa preferred to see Egypt in the World Cup would have told us clearly. We played with three injured players. I played with three points on the forehead: what would happen if the Egyptians had been attacked so in Algiers? They turned their backs and they would leave, and the CAF would be granted in the walkover. "
The verdict is therefore suspended. The two teams close the round tied with one victory each, the same gap, in the direct matches and the same goal difference. The rule is that the last ticket for the World Cup is decided by a playoff, to be played on neutral ground.
When the hypothesis of equilibrium was beginning to seem a realistic possibility, the two federations were asked to indicate a location acceptable to the dispute of the playoffs. The Algeria had indicated that the French-speaking Tunisia, Egypt near the Sudan. And probably also because of its higher specific weight within the African confederation, had been satisfied. The designated premises is the stadium in Khartoum, where a match of this level was missing since 1970, when the Sudan had hosted and won the African Nations Cup.
The playoff Fans Egyptians and Algerians invade Khartoum. 48 aircraft departing from Algeria, 18 from Egypt, although in two thousand from the Earth bus of the pharaohs in Egypt to join the large population that lives in the Sudanese capital. Al-Merreikh The stadium is not filled in full, the maximum capacity is reduced to 35 thousand, six thousand below the maximum allowed. Assigned to their respective supporters are about 9000 tickets each. 15 000 cops on alert for the match.
Even the religious leaders groped to intervene to calm everyone down on the eve of the decisive tiebreaker. Students of Al-Azhar University in Cairo, considered a major center for Sunni Islam, have issued a fatwa to invoke the "peace." "Football, in principle, is a game that is designed to give pleasure to people, not to cause disqualification "says the religious-legal opinion. "Governments and states must protect the innocent and strong punishment should be imposed on those who terrorize the population because of their extremism football."
"Sport" stated Sarah El Sirgany, editor of Daily News Egypt, "has become the opium of the masses. Many commentators have pointed out that football is the only occasion that people have to vent her frustrations, to actively participate in something in a nation where democracy is absent. " In the atmosphere electrifying
of Khartoum, Algeria has taken his revenge waiting 20 years. However, it was Egypt to create the first chance of the match on Tuesday, with the header from Emad Moteab, who scored the goal "out of time" for three days before, but Fawzi Chaouchi, according to Algerian goalkeeper in the field instead of Lounes Gaouaoui disqualified, rejected. The match was tense nervous. After 2 minutes Nadir Belhadj is cautioned for a foul on Ahmed Muhamad. Two rounds of the clock and a foul on Ahmed Hassan sets off a brawl in the game before half header by Abdel Zaher El Sakka's corner Mohamed Aboutrika. The Algeria begins to attack by fifteen minutes but the shot from inside the penalty area Yahia is blocked by El Hadari. The game continues without but not too much fluid without excessive drop in pace. The half-hour El Hadary is forced to raise free kick in a corner, the gearbox in front of Al Muhammadi Algerian forces the goalkeeper to the deviation in angle. The balance breaks down to 40 '. Ziani on the right and run forward Yahia: his conclusion on the fly is elusive for El Hadari. Algeria is in the lead. The audience celebrated with fireworks.
interval Egyptian coach Shehata sent on midfielder Hosni Abd Rabo and striker Mohamed Zidan. But the best bargains are for the Foxes of the Desert, which in the second half trying to slow down the pace of the game before leaving with a fast break. The race migioir action is initiated by Hassan Yebda that draws a perfect cross to Ghezzal Abdelkader, but his header is central. El Hadari has to intervene again, the shot from close of Saifi. The
contains Algeria and again until the final whistle, which seals the return of the Desert Foxes on the main world stage, after two appearances in 1982, when they managed to beat the then West Germany finalist, and 1986.
throughout Algeria Celebrate, celebrate immigrants in the suburbs of Paris and Marseille, celebrated in the Gaza Strip, where the green and white flags are everywhere, in the name of a common battle against the pan-Arabism of Egyptian origin. "How can you cheer for those Arab brothers in their time of need that we close the border crossings?" Said a boy at a local television station. Better then to cheer for the Algeriadi Mohammed Aboutreika a few days after Operation Lead Time, launched by the Israeli army between December 2008 and January 2009 to weaken the presence of Hamas in the Strip, he celebrated a goal of showing solidarity with a T-shirt Gaza.
The match is over, at least in the field. You just have to wait and see if, in the mother of all matches, the defeat Egypt is only one stop sports or a premonition, an epiphany of the fate of pan-Arabism.
Saturday, November 21 h.15,30 P.za San Babila Il limite della decenza è stato superato. Il disegno di legge sul “processo breve” è l’ennesimo colpo alla democrazia inferto da un governo che non ha nessuna intenzione di risolvere,attraverso una vera riforma, il problema del funzionamento della giustizia ma vuole solo occuparsi delle vicende giudiziarie di una sola persona, mettendo a repentaglio la vita democratica, il funzionamento delle istituzioni e lo Stato di diritto. Gli italiani onesti non vogliono e non possono più assistere a questo scempio. Per questo il PD invita i cittadini di Milano a partecipare alla manifestazione promossa da diversi esponenti del centrosinistra per give, in this city, a great shock that moves the democratic country. To support the appeal and the event please send an email to scossademocratica@gmail.com
Let me explain briefly, and those who wrote to me with grace, both to those who have tried summarily as Beelzebub, the reasons for our action against this Frigolandia.
With a premise though.
If there is a person of this sorry situation is myself, who initially gave us his face and something more (including the famous 100 € per passport) to enable the realization of this project.
After just four years I do not think that I suddenly went crazy, much less seduced by "alleged shameful and speculative interests" that someone tends to believe the real reasons of the "eviction". I invite you also to come to Janus, a little 'pre-mobilization group.
to come and see for yourself if this' Socratic imagery, peace and culture open to all "- and like everyone, including myself, we wanted it to be - and this is actually above is perceived as such.
probably receive the vast majority of citizens of Janus (an indirect confirmation comes from the fact that only 2 in 3500 Gianesi people have signed up to present the petition in support of Frigolandia) the same impression and that is that Frigolandia, rather than an opportunity , is actually a "foreign body", and even closed a bit 'gray, in spite of the colorful letters that greet you at the entrance.
Like other data that seem improbable are brought to the investigation of alleged vitality of the structure, the numbers of admissions (more than 5000 in less than 4 years, or More than a thousand people a year?) and investment to "tens and tens of thousands of euro", which clash with a structure that appears half-empty for many months a year.
Also because this whole movement in a weigh of 100 inhabitants which is the capital would have noticed (I think) and some surrounding accommodation would have also benefited.
But I will not continue in this kind of argument, because the real point is another: it was rejected the true promise, which is also the premise of this whole affair. That
to bring to life the colony as a cultural center that would bring vitality and shine to a small town in Umbria, like Janus, who suffers, like many small mountain villages, a slow but steady depletion of vital energy. Today
Frigolandia - view from Janus - is a "non".
buildings almost exclusively used as editors of the magazine and as a country of Sparagna (really needed the colony to carry out these activities?), Plus not even pay the rent and failed to meet many points of the Convention
I believe that some problems in more than what they say and there may be doubt of the enterprise ...
Also because curiously, because of this unilateral reconstruction that circulates the web I have to go for a fascist, illiberal extinguisher to the flames of culture, while Janus everything here in the center calls me a communist. I democratic quotation marks (as defined Sparagna me) I have democratically accepted and defended as long as possible. I did even in the Municipal Council, one of the many threads devoted to this issue.
Then, slowly, revealed the many contradictions of Frigolandia: Park (public) always open, but in fact forbidden to ordinary mortals; The museum can be visited freely, but do not know at what time and on which days; Cultural yes, but only in respect of income from which (obviously) not available; Abuse building, but "small", so-okay - we are in Italy; National Events made on the spot almost nobody, except the first press conference Scalzone, which cost me half a Government crisis, questions in the City Council in the Regional Council and the National Parliament, 1500 signatures (on just over 3500 inhabitants) v Administration and the banishing of Frigolandia, the charge to be signed filoterrorista ... All "details", at least in the design world Sparagna, as it has always been incomprehensible to a declassified reaction a little provincial village, ride the fascist right. (From the series "never a doubt") And this idea, a bit annoying, since we are so small we can not understand is resurfaced meeting we had with the lawyers a few weeks ago (recovery - in other forms - even in the editorial of Oct. 6, which states that "art and thought can not adapt to the popular mood, in addition to a small town of only 3000 inhabitants. ") All this adds (and I stress is added) the procedure for eviction that is not at all unusual but perfectly normal, after two years of non-payment of rent and reminder letters, and this validated by a judge (it will probably crash a judge right?)
Sparagna That is an important part of the culture of this country is fine by me, but that does not authorize anyone to claim the respect of rules. legibus solutus also because it reminds me of other characters of our time ... I say this with great regret. I'm 39 years old, I the Mayor for an inexplicable (these days) passion, I was the first promoter of Frigolandia because I believed, as many in the extraordinary power of a project that has remained largely on paper. Today I find myself managing a lawsuit, I never wanted to, and pass through a heat sink
of wealth and culture when they are fully aware that culture and beauty this country has great need. But - I add - even of loyalty and sincerity.
pity that all this fervor by Sparagna to defend Frigolandia I have not found when it came to defending against attacks by the Mayor of Janus over the world, after the case "Scalzone.
the height of the Cold War, the five Olympic rings stand as the best symbol for overcoming barriers and iron curtains. In Australia we see athletes from the opposing blocs embrace and rejoice together for a win, after the races. In some cases the Olympic spirit becomes love, and the feeling is a bridge between the two blocks. An unprecedented development and fraught with consequences if you're a pitcher of record in love with a hammered Czechoslovak American. Where you've never seen a socialist who loses his head for a capitalist?
Fitokova Olga is a girl like many others, aged 24. E 'was born in Liberec and studying to become a doctor in Prague. Dreams of opening a studio of his own, and maybe to work with Albert Schweitzer. It 'also successful athlete, who played basketball and handball, as a goalkeeper. Two years before the Olympics in Melbourne, his coach, Otakar Jander, I suggest you try the discus throw. Given his athletic level and the high degree of neuromuscular coordination, he says, you just learn the technique and find the rhythm. One day before the Games meets a hammer U.S., Harold Connolly. The two attend and become the golden couple of the Olympics. The Fikotova had arrived in Australia without great expectations of fans and the attention of the experts was asked Emil Zatopek. Despite the habit of discipline less than the opponents, however, Fikotova won the race ahead of two Russian athletes and set a new Olympic record by throwing the disc at 53.7 meters. It will be the only Olympic gold medal for his country.
The next day, Connolly's turn to win the gold with new record of the Games on Russian Krivosonov. Having overcome the first difficulty of conversation (Olga spoke little English, Connolly a fragmented German) discovered that, despite coming from two opposing blocs, had similar ideas and friendship slowly is transformed into a feeling of love. But the problem is "political" of their union grew, and this in a sense, as she explains years later, helped to strengthen their union. Connolly was able to understand what that relationship was frowned upon by the Czechoslovak delegation at a concert organized as part of the Cultural Olympics. When Olga came to two of their leaders to present her boyfriend, the two simply turned away. The American was surprised: "I think it's infectious." No, he was only the uniform of another color, the wrong color for them. Politics intervened again in their relationship. Olga was called at the consulate in Sydney the excuse of a party, but was effectively blocked until the departure of the ship with the athletes of the United States also received only a gold watch and a prize of $ 3,000, the lowest among those assigned to the athletes who participated in the Games, although it was the only gold medal.
A year later, in 1957, Harold Connolly began a journey across Europe as a goodwill ambassador for the Department of State. After the tour, Harold goes to Prague. And he married Olga. Once a decision is reached, however, it should ask for permission to marry a foreigner. The practices are long, with a long series of papers to sign. Even after completion, however, Olga is attacked because it would betray his country to marry an American Fascist. Connolly then proposed to write a letter to the President of the Republic, Antonin Zapotocky. Harold sends a, Olga another. In those days it was doing a conference to discuss strategies to improve the sport of Czechoslovakia, which also involves Emil Zatopek, who tried to speak to the president, but he abruptly said he has no time to deal with personal matters. But the day after receiving a letter from Olga: It is convened by the President, the day before had been wrong to believe that Connolly's father had some kind of interest or business and ask him publicity. Olga asks the President put a good word with the offices that were supposed to grant permission. A few days after the permit arrives.
was a secret wedding, held a Wednesday. The politicians would not have liked a ceremony at the weekend, so Olga insists that is carried on a working day: she was granted permission to celebrate the marriage, but would not tell anyone. The day arrives, but the car they were traveling, the couple can not find in Old Town Square, where he was supposed to get married. This is not an accident: 25 000, maybe 30 thousand people had invaded to attend the ceremony. The wedding witnesses were Dana and Emil Zatopek.
Olga also obtained a permit to leave Czechoslovakia for the U.S. but not a passport. He arrived in Washington and looking for explanations to the embassy of his country, but the official does not know what to do. Approach, meanwhile, the European athletics in Stockholm. And Olga did not receive a visa to go to Sweden. Olga was still training to take part, so he writes to find out how to qualify, saying he was ready to return to Czechoslovakia in order to overcome the training. The answer is, however, that is no longer considered a Czechoslovak citizen who can not train to Prague was not authorized to represent the former Czechoslovakia. Athletes, however, was told that Olga had refused to compete for Czechoslovakia.
Olga Fikotova compete for the United States in four more Olympics, will also be recognized the honor of being flag-bearer in Monaco 1972. He did not win more gold medals at the Games, though. The marriage with Harold Connolly, from which they were born four children, ended in the mid-seventies.
The Olympics of the Cold War and the '56 Hungarian revolution
There was blood in ' water, and blood was Hungarian. Blood that had stained red the chlorinated water Olympic pool in Melbourne at the end of the semifinal of the men's water polo tournament. It was not a game like any other, was not an Olympics like any other. They are called summer Olympics, but that year, as they competed in the Southern Hemisphere, held in December. It is not a game like the others, because in the field are former Soviet Union and Hungary. And two months earlier, Hungarian innocent blood on the streets of Budapest it is over too. For too many days and too many nights, in the words of Francesco De Gregori, but was referring to another episode, mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters took the wine and we washed the road "from what remained of young offenders only dreaming of a future migliore.
La rivolta ungherese Tutto inizia con una manifestazione studentesca autorizzata per chiedere la riabilitazione di Imre Nagy, il presidente del consiglio ungherese destituito l’anno precedente, ed espulso dall’ufficio politico, dal comitato centrale e infine dal partito, perché “troppo liberale”. Lui se ne sta sul lago Balaton, per la festa della vendemmia, quel 23 ottobre 1956.
Il corteo, prima proibito poi permesso, raggiunge la piazza del Parlamento nel primo pomeriggio; Nagy, dopo molte resistenze accetta di tenere un discorso. Inizia a parlare: ““ Compagni”, la folla rumoreggia e subito si corregge "Fellow countrymen and friends." Outside the headquarters of the radio is the first clash. The students ask for transmission of the sixteen points of their claims, but will broadcast a speech threatening the party secretary Gero while the guards are sent for hidden weapons. The crowd, however, finds out and takes it.
Meanwhile, on the edge of the park in the capital is cut to pieces the statue of Stalin. It seems that Nagy should return to his post, would be the only reasonable solution. But the party decides to request the intervention of the Red Army on October 24 that sends tanks, as a demonstration. The Nagy government is formed, with Janos Kadar as party secretary. The two ambassadors in the Kremlin, Anastas Mikoyan and Mikhail Suslov, not openly oppose the new course. Workers' councils arising everywhere to demand the withdrawal of Soviet and free elections. Meanwhile the guards dell'AVH continue to fire, while in some provinces the power passes through the hands to the councils. The situation on 25 rushes. And 'the day dell'eccidio in Kossuth Square in front of the Parliament Square. While people talk with the soldiers, someone shot through the windows and the Russians respond at random. Circulating rumors, the next few days, like the one that the headquarters of the Communist Party authors of the hide.
The seat is torn on October 30, the Soviets speak of white terror, but withdrew tanks. The same Nagy announces the end days of one-party regime and the output of Hungary from the Warsaw Pact. The new project has two pillars: national independence and political pluralism. Nagy József Cardinal Mindszenty free tenacious opponent of the communist regime, first arrested in 1944 for high treason and sentenced to life imprisonment in 1949 on charges of conspiracy to overthrow the communist government of Hungary.
Nagy government go forward. The Kremlin has decided for a new military intervention and the new regime. On 4 November, the president gives a speech on the radio. "This is Imre Nagy, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Hungarian People's Republic of speaking. Today at dawn Soviet troops have launched an attack against our capital with the clear intention to overthrow the legitimate Hungarian democratic government. Our troops are fighting the government is in place to inform the people of Hungary and the public of the world. " János Kádár is taken by the Soviets and brought to Moscow, according to Miklos Vasarhelyi, collobarotore Nagy, Kadar source is put to a choice, "or assist the Soviets in this new maneuver or her fate is sealed, it is treated as a prisoner political. " Nagy was arrested with a trick after a few days stay in the embassy Yugoslav political leaders to follow a period of confinement in Romania. June 16, 1958 will be executed and buried in an unmarked grave with other martyrs of the uprising in Box 301, Budapest cemetery.
Olympics of gunfire and tanks, the Hungarian men's water polo team does not feel that far away and muffled echoes. Water polo has a long tradition in the country, dating back to the '30s, and with the Olympics drawing near the expectations were high for the final victory. Initially, the players train outside Budapest, but they could hear gunfire and see smoke rising from the city. So were moved into Czechoslovakia. They knew the extent of the revolt and reaction that had taken place around the corner from home only when you arrive in Australia, dall'altra parte del mondo. Molti giocatori giurarono che non avrebbero più fatto ritorno a casa.
Tra questi l'allora stella ventenne della squadra, l'attaccante Ervin Zador. “Eravamo al ristorante, aspettando di cambiare aereo” ha ricordato in un'intervista “quando abbiamo sentito la notizia che i russi si sarebbero 'presi cura' della rivoluzione. Io mi alzai con il bicchiere in mano e dissi che non sarei mai più tornato a casa. Avevo passato momenti difficili, ma sentivo che le cose sarebbero andate peggio e i russi non se ne sarebbero andati più. Normalmente una dichiarazione del genere avrebbe significato niente Olimpiadi. Ma nessuno dei tecnici sapeva how the story would end, so there's nothing happened. And once in Melbourne we had only one goal: to complete the work for which we had worked so hard. Although we had a little 'because of fear get in the water for a month. "
Thus, the table of the Olympic Village, created another revolution, the whole sport in Hungary: the introduction of the zone defense. The game became a game of nerves. The Hungarian defenders and a striker doubled intentionally left free to shoot an attacker, confident of the ability of their goalkeeper. Attackers opponents did not expect to have this opportunity, and this responsibility, they became nervous and not marked almost never. The Hungarians were among the favorites to win the water polo tournament, in an edition of the Games particularly marked by geo-political context. Not only was the Soviet invasion of Hungary, who led the Netherlands, Spain and Switzerland to give up participation in the Olympics, France and England are involved in the Suez crisis, and to protest Egypt, Lebanon and Iraq do not start for Australia .
Yet the president of the Olympic Committee, Avery Brundage, had done everything possible to keep politics out of the game: "In an imperfect world as if our sport would have to stop every time the political leaders of violating the laws of humanity, there would never be other such events. It is not maybe better to try to extend the sporting spirit and fair play to the other fields? ". But his call is not answered.
Hungary won the three meetings of the preliminary and semifinal in the draw, the draw, fate, mate the Magyars with the Soviet Union. It will be much of a game, will be the most extraordinary in the history of water polo. These are 15:25, 3 December 1956 and the pool water to Melbourne is about to be colored red.
Blood in the Water Dezso Gyarmati, Hungary water polo for the Olympic champion explains the meaning of that match: "They were in Budapest with tanks and killed my friends fighting for freedom, I could not feel sympathy for them. Now back on course if I realize that I did not have with the Russians as a sport, but I could not forget what they were doing in my house. We had a very strong charge, we were the rage: "We must not lose" was the imperative that we felt within us. " The plan of the Hungarians is clear: the aim is to intensify the psychological tricks, cause opponents to push them to the error. To do well on the language link. They studied Russian in school, they know how to make it clear to the Soviets what they despise. And the plan fails. The Soviets soon cease to play to start a fight.
The building is full. There are 5,500 viewers, nearly as many victims left on the tarmac of Budapest from 200 000 Soviet soldiers two months ago. It was largely Hungarian emigrants whistling the Soviets, waving the flags of freedom taken by the revolutionaries and push their favorites to the cry of "Hajra Magyarok" ("Go Hungarians!"). Many of them had just come out of the boxing arena where they had enjoyed for a third gold medal won by Laszlo Papp. Many will struggle to understand the arena have changed, and above all to be attending another event, another sport.
Dezsö Gyarmati opened the scoring for Hungary, and almost puts KO his marker. Do not take long before he is sent Vyacheslav Kurennoi in the cockpit, temporarily expelled for hitting an opponent. Zador scored two goals, the Soviets are increasingly nervous, they feel that the dream of the Olympic final is now out of hand. It is shortly to an end when the Hungarian Antal Bolvari is hit and calls out: he fears that his fist had received a broken eardrum. Bolvari had the task of marking Prokopova Valentin, who had called all the while giving their opponents of the Fascists: After its exit from the field its role is taken by Zador. The game is decided here.
Zador starts to insult the Russian, saying he is a loser, that his whole family is made losers. Until the ball away, Zador make a mistake. Missing a minute at the end, Hungary has scored another goal in the meantime and leads 4-0. Zador raises his eyes to challenge an arbitral award but loses sight Prokopova who throws his whole body on the opponent and delivers a deadly punch that opens a deep wound just below the right eye of the attacker Hungarian. A friend tells him not to leave the side closest to the one where he was at that time, because the opposite of the stands. Zador crosses the pool, "while everything turns red and you should not watch." Instead, people watch, horrified screams of all the public and try to get in the pool to join the fight, while the American team is shocked and the image of Zador became a symbol of Hungarian revenge on the invasion of the Soviet Army. The referee ends a minute before, but it matters little. The Soviet team left the competition area escorted by the police. Zador can not play the final, despite trying everything to convince the doctors. Hungary beat Yugoslavia 2-1, winning the Olympic title in water polo. After the Games
Magyar half of the delegation, composed of 100 athletes, will not return. Sport Hungarian, who had already had to give up almost all the glories of football, like Ferenc Puskas, the protagonists in the negative "Miracle of Bern" the World Cup in 1954, celebrating a victory that marks the symbolic end of a movement, and perhaps of an era. Zador waiver of career prospects, a future full of flowers, sports not captured in the name of freedom of man made and found in sunny California. Has not abandoned the world of swimming, though. For some time he was coach of a young champion who decades later would break any records and those of its rice in the unmistakable mustache, Mark Spitz. Even in new role, however, Zador has never missed a day in December when the waters of the pool in Melbourne were mixed with the red of blood. And it was Hungarian blood.
Argentina 1978: The World of the generals against Hitler
writer Jimmy Burns has called it "the most politicized sports circus since the 1936 Olympics " . A month of collective madness, stadium a short distance from the torture chambers and the armed soldiers at the gates. It 's a sport victory, or defeat of a people? And 'the football World Cup, Argentina 1978.
Argentina had pursued for years the dream of organizing the World Cup, but the difficult economic situation the country had always prevented implementation. The official task was completed in 1966 , the 'year of the world of England, confirming a very strong symbolic link, halfway between the gratitude and hatred, between Argentina and perfidious Albion.
During that World the National peaked international behaviors of excessive hardness, the limits of brutality, which sets it apart, as they well-learned Milan and Manchester United who challenged in the final of the Intercontinental Cup Estudiantes. After the race lost England with the landlady, in the subway to the locker room and assaulted the referee is an official FIFA spat. Only the combined intervention of stewards and police then prevents players from entering the locker room Argentine opponent. A simple vent due to the defeat or a response to the attitude of the patriotic Englishman Alf Ramsey, who had prevented his players to exchange jerseys with opponents, labeled as animals? In any case, their return the players were greeted as heroes. Rattini Antonio, who had been expelled in the match against England, was shrouded by the national flag.
Yet it was precisely the UK to bring the magic of football between the pampas.
Football and politics Argentina
Argentina has become a modern country in the second half of the nineteenth century, thanks mainly to investments in Britain. The British brought schools and clubs where he played polo, tennis and soccer, teaching the values \u200b\u200bof fair play and sportsmanship . In 1867 was founded the first football clubs in Argentina, the Buenos Aires Football Club, was launched in 1891 and the first championship. Football, a sport that is "poor", which requires only a ball, begins to spread in the suburbs of the city, and in 1913 the Racing Club of Buenos Aires, a team of only players from Argentina, won the championship.
Teams such as the rosary, rooted in the barrios, in the suburbs, we also educated the children and provided social support. They had already, long before it was approved universal male suffrage, structures 'democratic', in which all members participating in the elections to elect the president. The link between sport and politics has always been strong. Supporters of the teams, in exchange for free tickets for travel, often engage in political activities. curves become so politicized circles . The links have always been significant but also at the institutional level. The presidents of the Federation of Argentina, the AFA, have always maintained contacts with political groups in power, both civil and military. A phenomenon that has intensified during the first Peronist period, between 1946 and 1955. Juan Peron was present often in the stands and assured financial support to the sport, while his wife Evita sponsored youth football leagues.
The announcement of 1966, the promise of the organization of the world seem to be the best conditions for a waiting period of stability . But it will not.
The political crisis of the '70s
student riots, thefts, kidnappings and killings are happening daily with regularity in Argentina of the 70s. The March 11, 1973 were held in the last 10 years, free elections . He was elected President Hector Campora, a Peronist left. The President calls
Juan Peron from exile in Spain. Peron lands at Ezeiza in Buenos Aires June 20, 1973 . To welcome more than three million people. Among them terrorists loyal to Jose Lopez Rega, Peron's former personal secretary, who had accompanied him during his exile, who led the phalanx of the right of the grid loyal to Peron. Ezeiza airport fought two terrorist groups: the Montoneros, left, who believed to embody the vision of the social-revolutionary Peronism authentic, and the "Allianz Anticommunist Argentina", or "Triple A", Rega, which was part Stefano also of Chiaia, who had worked in Operation Gladio, and is alleged to have played a role in the attack in Piazza Fontana. The official version is about 13 victims, but the account could be salty, but has never been opened an official inquiry into the facts.
Campora resigned in July 1973, allowing Peron to win the election. But his reign lasts only one year. Juan Domingo Peron died of a heart attack on 1 July 1974 ; succeeded by his wife, Isabel, Jose Lopez Rega on which to exercise decisive political influence. Democracy has its days numbered. Despite an international image now deteriorated, however, the country saves the organization of World Championships. During the 1974 edition of in West Germany, in fact, it was decided not to change the venue for the next world.
Isabela Martinez Peron is overthrown March 24, 1976 by a military junta led by General Jorge Rafael Videla . And 'the beginning of the military dictatorship, the "National Reorganization Process".
failures and revivals football
As often happens, and happens in this story with a brilliant example, football becomes mirror of politics. And the National Reorganization runs on parallel tracks with respect to the reorganization of national after the failures of the first half of the '70s. At mundial Mexican Argentines are forced to watch from home between 4-3 Italy and Germany and the header of Pele which remains the most vivid symbol of the triumph of green and gold on blue. Four years later there is so much better: in the first round elimination.
The four-year period, without the hassle of the quest for qualification, becomes the scene of a revolution Rousseau, a step backwards as progress, as a reappropriation of the concept of football as primitive beauty, typical of Argentine culture. The new man became Cesar Luis Menotti, "El Flaco," the lanky, politically radical, so far from the political ideas and the project of the military junta that took power in 1976.
The "dirty war"
Three months after the seizure of power, the Argentine military junta officially met with U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. The latter gave its broad support for the so-called "dirty war" policy of repression and killing of political dissidents in place by the junta.
political dissidents, or suspected, as well as ordinary citizens who had considered even mildly leftist ideas, were kidnapped and disappeared forever. Official surveys speak of nine thousand "disappeared", but the number is certainly higher, many cases were not in fact reported, and records were destroyed. Like any dictatorship, led by Videla junta also imposed a strict regime of censorship on the press by imposing very strong restrictions freedom of speech. Kissinger attended the meeting with Argentine foreign minister, Admiral Cesar Guzzetti, in August of '76 will tell the UN General Assembly: "My idea of \u200b\u200bsubversion is that of terrorist organizations on the left. The right-wing terrorism is not the same thing. When the social body of a nation is contaminated by a disease, the form of antibodies. These antibodies are not considered in the same way microbes. "
Guzzetti and Kissinger met June 10, 1976, at the Hotel Carrera in Santiago, Chile time already over a thousand people were gone forever. Santiago is another symbol of the city: at that time Chile was dominated by the dictatorship of Pinochet, and thousands of dissidents were tortured, beaten and killed in the stadium in the capital. In the same stadium where a few months later, in December of 1976, Italy would have won his first and only Davis Cup tennis. An expedition, that of the blue in Chile, much opposed by the PCI and PSI, who wanted to imitate what was done by the Soviet Union to the semifinals, and boycott the trip to a country under a dictatorship coup. The headquarters of the Italian tennis federation was devastated by the Protestant cry of "not playing volley against Pinochet Executioner." Stadium of Santiago, for the occasion decorated with flowers and flags of all nations participating in the league, Italy raised the bowl to the sky.
bread and circuses
Videla in Buenos Aires has inherited a prestigious and difficult task, and turns it into a political tool to broaden the basis of consensus and legitimize the nation's image in the eyes domestic and international public opinion.
The reorganization process goes on. Wages are frozen, trade unions abolished, torture and killings continue incessantly; newspapers, under close supervision, substantial support the regime. The only form of opposition that remains, still, that happens every Thursday night in front of the presidential palace in Plaza de Mayo in Buenos Aires. There, under the Casa Rosada , meet the mothers of the disappeared, which for half an hour ride in a circle, silently, the perimeter of the square. To intimidate, the military has also hired hooligans from among the most violent fans of the curves, the barras bravas. But the silent opposition, which began April 30, 1977, continues, and the approaches mundial. Among the victims disappeared also brother of Robert Moresi, a former River Plate striker , killed at age 17 with six shots in the head because militant Peronist Youth.
The nation is flooded with posters with the slogan " 25 million Argentines will play World Cup." Even if, as Simon Kuper commented in "Football and power" would be more correct to write "25 million Argentines pay for World Cup," cost the government figure of 7 monstre 00 million dollars for organizational costs , plus another 300 million for extra . The World is an opportunity to divert the world from violence and human rights violations. General Omar Actis, head of the organizing committee of the event, took an American public relations & Burson Marsteller, to show the world the best possible face of the nation. A few months after the opening whistle is launched Operation "El Barrido. They razed the slums on the outskirts of Buenos Aires, and the inhabitants evacuated in the province of Catamarca. In Rosario, the main boulevard, to hide the poverty of the suburbs, you build a wall painted with pictures of beautiful houses.
Persecution meanwhile intensified. are arrested more than 200 people a day to avoid speaking with foreign journalists and unveil the hidden truths of the scheme.
Because the purpose of dictatorship can be made to say, it is essential that Argentina will win the cup. For this reason, the military confirmed the technical guide "el Flaco" Menotti. Tell Osvaldo Ardiles, " No one could criticize the government. It was obvious that Menotti does not think like the military , and no doubt many times thought of replacing it. But it was considered the only chance of winning the World Cup, so they tolerate. "
Inspiring the renaissance of the Argentine national team, became Menotti, malgre him a tool of the regime. The generals and the opposition want the same thing, the cup with the wings, and Menotti flock to the hopes of an entire nation.
The only small, off-key voice in the chorus was unanimous by Johan Cruyff: "At this stage of things, not me Argentina open the country more right to organize a World Cup, either from the point of view of safety for the players, nor from that of regular competition, "he says without a hearing. History will show that he was right.
After an initial phase is not fully convincing, which began with the defeat against Italy, Argentina qualifies for the semifinal round with Brazil, Poland and Peru. The game does not take off Argentina, the striker Mario Kempes is still dry after three races . It unlocks with Poland June 14, in Rosario, then assigns the Swedish referee Eriksson a penalty to the Poles, who wasted Deyn before doubling the same Kempes. Brazil overwhelms Peru 3-0. Four days later, there's adrenaline, and not just in the air. In the area of \u200b\u200bArgentina and Brazil play soccer rather than football: 0-0 is the only possible outcome.
missing a day to define the purpose of the group, and Brazil is ahead on goal difference at the same point: 3-0 against 2-0 for the Argentines. On June 21 is the day of truth. To promote the television (and beyond) the matches of the day do not play simultaneously. At 16:45 to Mendoza Brazil faces Poland. win 3-1 with goals from outside Nelinho and two goals from Roberto Dynamite. The National Auriverde closes with five points, six goals scored and only one right away. Argentina, on the field at 19:15 to Rosario, must win against Peru with four-goal margin. That game will go down in history as the marmelade peruana.
The marmelade peruana
Renzo Arbore sing a few years later, certainly not referring to this event, "how does a marmelade sao? With fruit zuccherada and a bit 'of liquorao. In 1978 to prepare the sweet marmelade and just one door compliant.
The first suspect in fact already emerging combine the reading of the formations. In goal for Peru's Ramon Quiroga, known as "el Loco" , the Mad, which he remembers a fallacciano on side in the match against Poland. Quiroga is actually Argentinian, was a naturalized Peruvian a year before the world, and he played between 1969 and 1973 for Rosario Central, takes place in the stadium where the semi-finals. The Central had reached the great football skills in persuading all the outlets through which balances the drawbacks of short stature. At 23, in 1973, the Peruvian team Sporting Cristal, offers him a good contract. Quiroga remain there for two years before returning home, all'Independiente. Sporting Cristal in 1977 for the new hires and offers the added benefit of naturalization, which opens the doors of the world. Menotti fact Fillol trusts and prefers Lavolpe as reserves, future coach of Mexico, and Baley. "El Flaco" has also set aside "El Loco" original, Hugo Gatti. In the initial round Quiroga is the best in the field against the Netherlands, in Mendoza. We defended well in in Cordoba with Scotland and Iran, and again in Mendoza, with Brazil and Poland.
back on June 21 in Rosario, in the stadium which he knows every blade of grass. Before the game Brazilian executives report to the Peruvian Federation the opportunity to deploy Sartor holder. But the coach Marcos Calderon (who died in 1987 with all the famous Alianza Lima air disaster) do not listen to reason. Quiroga is on the field, to defend the national stakes of a now deleted, in its true home.
The beginning seems to remove the suspicions: the wind speed Peruvian Juan Muñante hole in the defense of home and surprise strikes a resounding pole.
But the minutes went by revealing the warp and woof of the farce. Kempes to 20 ' Albiceleste the door ahead, and Alberto Tarantini before the break down the result on 2-0. It takes just two networks still in Argentina to win the final of the Monumental on Sunday 25 June. the 5 'end of the recovery mission is accomplished , accomplice surrender of red and white defense: Kempes scores his second one-two staff, then comes the 4-0 Leopoldo Luque, who has a brother who died during the World Cup. In order not to arouse too much suspicion came a goal from Houseman and doubling staff Luque. The screams of joy of millions of Argentines cover those tortured pain of young people to the "Escuela Superior de Mecanica de l'Armada" of Buenos Aires.
Quiroga Years later admit the combine, but the sides still to clarify on the affair are still many. In the years following one of the key players of the Peruvian national Jose Velazquez, had unearthed strange events that had inspired the vigil, including a visit in the locker room of the Argentine head of state, General Jorge Videla, accompanied by U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. Visit to the choice of which was followed by technical training in the reintroduction of the goalkeeper Quiroga, initially excluded. Moreover, the journalist Tim Pears, in a detailed article appeared in "The Observer Sport Monthly" reveals that before the game gave the Argentine government thirty-five thousand tons of wheat to Peru, and opened a credit line $ 50 million. From whom did you get that money?
According to the confession of the son of a boss, from the Colombian Cali cartel drug traffickers. In his book "El Hijo del Ajedrecista 2" ("The Son of the Checker 2" ), Fernando Rodriguez Mondragon, son of Gilberto Rodriguez Orejuela, adds more pieces to the puzzle of the game. His father, one of the most powerful drug mafia boss in Colombia, his uncle Miguel, would bring an unspecified amount of money to the Peruvian team, bribe for ensuring qualification to the finals of the national home. The final
There are eighty thousand people packed the stands dell'Estadio Monumental in Buenos Aires June 25, 1978. It 's the day of the final world championship. In the gallery Videla and his junta, the "associate themselves with military cemeteries with crosses on his chest." Next to them Licio Gelli, head of the Masonic lodge P2, which was also a member of Lopez Rega, whose "Democratic Revival Plan" echoed very closely, "El Proceso" Videla.
But Menotti to his players before coming into camp, asking not to turn to the general , asked to look at the butchers, bakers, factory workers, taxi drivers, to the entire people waiting for the triumph. "It was terribly hot," says Johnny Rep, "c 'were soldiers with machine guns on every corner , and our bus took an hour to walk twenty kilometers separated us from the stage because the roads were full of people who threw stones at the windows of the driver and beat his fists against the half crying 'Argentina!, Argentina!'. No, the atmosphere was not beautiful. "
Argentina had been the replacement of the arbitrator appointed by FIFA for the last act, the Israeli Abraham Klein (who had remedied them directly into defeat in the tournament, 0-1 against Italy) with an Italian, Sergio Gonella . It will be a one-way direction, fatally "housewife."
El Flaco Menotti, beyond the advantages of arbitration, was found to square the circle of his nationality, but on the other hand, on the bench, there is the strategist Austrian Ernst Happel , who hopes to redeem the Dutch pride still wounded by defeat in the final four years earlier, again with the organizers of the World West Germany. Happel knows that Argentina is fast, but not great back, and decides to attack it. But after 37 'Mario Kempes diagonally anticipates the release of Jongbloed. Argentina ahead.
Gonella fragments game, warns the Dutch for every trifle, forgive the Argentinians kicking and squashing. But the pace of the match is anything but fluid. The final, however ugly, seems headed toward a foregone conclusion. But 9 ' the end and Luis Galvan Tarantini mess, thanks Poortvliet and equalized. The Netherlands believes it, he wants to win against everything and everyone.
Minute 89, 'Argentina holds its breath, a whole nation is on the brink of despair, fear of reliving a new Maracanazo (Brazil's defeat against Uruguay in the final World 1950 in Rio). In one minute you see any difference between reality and ethics, between justice and reward the guilty. With the eyes of an entire nation focused on him, even Fate takes a stand, decide the fate, almost like a Greek god worthy of the Homeric poems, to take sides, and wearing a scarf albiceleste. R ob Rensenbrink collects and pulls a shot safely into an empty . The orange are ready to scream with joy, the Argentines are hoping for a miracle. And the miracle comes: pole! A cm, il confine sottile tra la vittoria e la sconfitta. Perché l'Olanda la finale la perde qui, la perde nel carattere, nella mente, nel cuore prima che sul campo, nell'appendice dei tempi supplementari che serve solo a scrivere nella forma quanto già sancito nella sostanza.
I tempi supplementari servono solo a regalare ulteriore gloria a Daniel Bertoni e permettere a Mario Kempes di vincere il titolo di capocannoniere. Videla ha vinto.
The screams of joy coming from the stage there's certainly up to the windows of the 'Escuela de Mecanica de the Armada, one of the centers of the torture regime. From here you have passed about 5000 inmates, more than 90% of whom died after days of inhuman torture and humiliation. The few survivors say that here, as in other concentration camps, such as the Garage Olimpo, torture is interrupted during the matches of the . Even the death flights, in which political prisoners were thrown off a plane, naked, in the open ocean, his chest ripped open because the dead do not return to the surface. The prisoners celebrating goals as a catharsis, but 90 ' horror resumed as if nothing had happened.
Are there really 25 million hands on the cup with the wings, in addition to those players who made the firm and who had friends or relatives in the list of the disappeared. There were also the hands of the mothers of Plaza de Mayo, who revealed to Simon Kuper: "With the world has known all over the world our story." We have designed at least in part of the ideal of Montoneros, who wanted to transform the mundial in a huge press conference to inform the world of the suffering of the Argentine people.
Resta un dilemma però. Menotti, con il suo calcio fatto di bellezza ed eleganza, ha aiutato il regime portando la nazionale alla vittoria, o si è opposto alla dittatura facendo trionfare la bellezza sulla forza? Una cosa è certa, quella notte di giugno c’è una sola bandiera che sfila per le strade di Buenos Aires. Portata in trionfo dai calciatori, artefici di una vittoria e strumento di un regime. Così Ardiles svela a Tim Pears her feelings:
We were competing in the finals at the stadium of River Plate, and three-quarter mile was the naval mechanics school. Only after we found out that was the main torture center in the navy. And I think, when checked, all we could hear. The guards even said to the prisoners 'we're winning', that's probably reported him. Do not say, 'The Argentina is winning' but 'we're winning'. One is the torturer, the other his victim. And then I think, 'those who were detained as they felt, happy or sad?'. In a sense they were happy because they were from Argentina, and we were winning World Cup for the first time in our history. Wonderful. But they knew that victory meant that the military dictatorship would last much longer. That would not be released. How they felt in those moments?