Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Do Do I Put My Pic On Ovoo
Group Board PD
the Milanese have already reached 10,000 by the viral campaign started PD derivatives in recent days with an information multi-channel (video, email, twitter, facebook) .
With this initiative, the Democratic Party intends to raise awareness of the city on the economic damage caused to the City of Milan, following approval the draft law on trial shortly in its present form.
In early January, the campaign of the Democratic Party will be intensified, with new ways to create the greatest possible care by January 12: The date will begin in the Senate debate and then approve the bill. The ultimate goal of the Democratic Party di Palazzo Marino is to call the senators of the Republic, so that, as requested unanimously by the City Council of Milan, approve an amendment that would prevent the extinction of the offense of aggravated fraud against the State, the offense which requested the indictment of 14 people with 4 banks and a claim of 100 million euro against hidden fees the City of Milan.
The contents of the first phase of the viral campaign is available on youtube at:
Pierfrancesco Majorino
PD leader Councillor David Runner PD
Why Can't I Take Decongestants With Thyroxine

you are invited to attend the congress of the circle
for the renovation of the governing bodies (Secretary and Co-ordination of movement)
Sunday, January 17, 2010 from 9.30 am to 19
(voting open from 11 to 18) at CAM
Garibaldi Garibaldi, 27 (corner Via G. Strehler, formerly of the Angels Via)
E 'an important event, which we hope many will participate, because on that occasion:
discuss national and local politics the role and the proposals of the Democratic Party to build an alternative to the center-right alliances and reform
we will face on the proposals for the work of the circle: what ideas, activities, programs for political work in our area
vote for the office of the secretary, who was nominated Anna Stack (spokesman for outgoing) and members of the coordination of the circle which will consist of 20 people (10 men and 10 women) selected by secret ballot by expressing preferences (up to a maximum of 3 men and 3 women) on a proposal for a unified list.
Who wants to nominate a member of the co-ordination can do so by sending an e-mail by 11 January 2010
Marco Leonardi marco.leonardi @
Mattia Abdu mattia.abdu @ Vitantonio
Ripoli vitantonio.ripoli @
We also send a photo and a brief Curriculum Vitae to raise awareness of candidates.
Congress is public, but members will participate in the vote e le iscritte al 21 luglio 2009.
Le candidature a Segretario e al Coordinamento di Circolo verranno presentate in un’assemblea degli iscritti e delle iscritte, in cui discuteremo anche del programma di lavoro del circolo
Lunedì 11 gennaio 2010 alle ore 21
presso il Circolo in Corso Garibaldi, 75.
Ci auguriamo di incontrarvi numerosi a gennaio e vi auguriamon i più sentiti auguri di Buone Feste.
Il coordinamento del Circolo “Milano Centro – Aldo Aniasi”
Dora Explorer Leotard
A U.S. Army soldier, one of the most illustrious victims of AIDS, but also an activist for the rights of blacks. Although then it has become rich, almost snobbish, has not forgotten his roots. He fought against apartheid in South Africa, South Africa demonstrated outside the embassy in the U.S. has been arrested. In 1973
è diventato il primo nero a vincere un titolo di tennis in terra sudafricana, in doppio con Tom Okker. Il poeta Don Mattera l’ha elogiato così: “Grazie perché hai mostrato alla nostra gioventù nera che può competere con i bianchi e vincere”.
E' stato scelto insieme ad altri trenta sportivi afro-americani per comporre un team da mandare a Città del Capo per valutare il progresso politico nel Paese. Ha incontrato anche Nelson Mandela, che ha dichiarato di essere un suo fan.
In un anno sportivamente targato “Sudafrica” la sua è una storia simbolica. Perché fino alla sua morte la questione della razza è stata al centro della carriera, della vita, dell'identità Arthur Ashe.
Monday, December 28, 2009
Son Diaper Punishment
When I was a kid myself, every other day and the other as well, you had to put up with appeals, campaigns to fight, claims, convictions and commemorations all regular one-way. As an example, I recall some of the most popular. On all anti-fascism, dressed in all ways, good for any occasion. It peaked in the days between April 25 and May 1: Always the same films Nazi employment, the memory and the testimonies of so-called partisan war, street protests organized by the Communist Party and trade unions, marked by a sea of \u200b\u200bred flags with the hammer and sickle and not even a flag. But any excuse was good to remind people-ox anti-fascism was our only raison d'etre, that we should love and honor one god: the god-partisan. Other opportunities could be a rally of Almirante or a good electoral result of the MSI, but also a terrorist attack or any politically motivated violence that generally, although in absolute lack of evidence, were attributed to "a clear matrix fascist" and that only the evidence with lots of claims and leaflets signed by the five-pointed star, were ascribed to the "so-called Red Brigades." Another issue was the ever popular anti-Americanism, often mixed with anti-fascism, which reached the top during the war in Vietnam and that cyclically emerges to every U.S. military intervention outside its borders (see most recently the war in Iraq After all the flags of peace, yet beautiful display, albeit a little 'faded, on the window sills of many homes). But a strong peak of anti-Americanism, accompanied by massive doses of a more general anti-imperialism and anti-fascism as usual, was reached at the time of the coup in Chile by Augusto Pinochet against Salvador Allende. Behind that coup-alleged-was the hand of the CIA. From 1973 and for many years to follow, in Italy as I believe in no other country in the world, we had to suffer the endless stream of a media campaign against the regime "fascist" Chilean solidarity with the "poor" and "oppressed" people of Chile. I remember in those years - if I remember it was 1974 - Examination of middle school, for the matter of geography prepared their research on Chile in this work support the thesis that the coup was the result of social disorder and economic collapse of the unity government in which people had thrown the country and that all in all, Pinochet was the only lifeline for his country (incidentally, I still think and what happened in Chile in the years to follow did not give me wrong). The teacher of mathematics, though by no means involved in dealing with a matter not within its competence, visibly surprised and vexed by the arguments made by this insolent thirteen, he asked me what sources I used for my research, I told her that he borrowed from some general encyclopedia, without specifying that I'd put mine. Reluctantly sketched. Returning to the climate created by the Italian left Chile on the issue, I must mention the musical group Inti Illimani, whose songs we were served up every where, in Italy enjoyed a reputation comparable to that of the Beatles. Another example of those times that I recall was the case of the death sentence in Franco's Spain guilty of some terrorists, if memory serves me right, of un'efferata massacre. Even then the attacks on the cruelty and ferocity of the dictator Franco was amplified out of proportion, always in the name of anti. With all due respect to all prisoners on death of the main countries in which he had realized the dream of socialism. Anti-fascism, anti-Americanism, anti-imperialism: an exuberant mix of instrumental demagoguery which permeated our mainstream culture, dominated by the silent complicity with the PCI and interested (In power), the Christian Democrats. If the Soviet Union dissidents rotting in the camps, where Pol Pot in Cambodia perpetrated on its people one of the worst genocides of the last century, when the liberated countries in Africa from colonialism to establish fierce hungry and communist dictatorships that plagued the people, whether in Korea North still the blessed commoners are likely to die of hunger every day, if the death sentences in China have always been thousands per year and no form of political dissent was never tolerated, the Italian left has never cared about, because eyes, the anger and all attention should and must be directed only to one side.
Malafede, hypocrisy and lies always represented the essence of thinking enlightened elite of the Italian left. Luckily, in recent years (plus or minus fifteen, just happens to be when our current Prime Minister has taken the field and thanks to the Government of characters from that political party, the 'MSI, which until then had been the subject of ostracism authentic, limited to the outside of the so-called constitutional arch) something has changed. For example, some have been removed tombstones made from the left on important Italian events like the thousands of dead killed by the Communists in Tito foibe (hidden for decades on school textbooks), or as the other thousands of Italians killed in the immediate the post-war "heroes" partisans, just because the fascists or assumed (without ever told and reported by an unheard Giorgio Pisano, then finally recovered and brought to the forefront of a leftist, journalist and writer Giampaolo Pansa).
no surprise, returning to the topical, if anti-fascism has been partially supplanted dall'antiberlusconismo and if anti-Americanism is currently dormant due to President Obama, but ready to upsurge soon there will be the excuse. It is also obvious disregard for the facts in Iran. Oh, yes, because after all those who protest in Iran, defying the iron fist of the regime, did not then all these reasons to complain and threaten their lives. We would rather we Italians to have more reason to rebel against a government elected democratically. Why are we having to endure the absolute power of the most authentic and ferocious dictator never appeared on the face of the earth that we should rise up and oust Berlusconi. More or less so I think the various Santoro, Di Pietro, Travaglio, Franceschini, Grillo and vocalist company.
wish them to live, work and profess their ideas in a country ruled by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
I wish the Iranian rebels could win their battle, while we Italians the right to say: thank goodness for Silvio! Attila
Sunday, December 27, 2009
How To Upgrade A Pulse R76
The first "latest" refers to Giusva Fioravanti and Francesca Mambro. The title should be "They did not." Edit Copy, Edit Paste, and here it is:
They did not. We swear. It 's impossible. Why would they always deny it? What had to lose? Him life imprisonment, life imprisonment her. No, I have nothing to do with this assassination. They can be neither were the originators nor the perpetrators. Mambro and Fioravanti. What a strange story to them! Intelligent people who did wrong. What they paid for. Terrorists and killers confessed. Also indicated their involvement in unrelated to any Bologna train station massacre. I believe him. They did not. Instinctively, while deprecating sincerely for their crimes, I have always felt a certain sympathy for them. I know that statement is politically incorrect, but it's true. Moreover in our country nobody is too shocked for the sympathy of many so-called left-wing intellectuals and assassinations against terrorists in red. Lorsignori to the Red Brigades were the "comrades who make mistakes", but that ultimately had more than one reason that could explain their errors, although these errors were homicides. Mambro and Fioravanti, like many other terrorists of all colors, would have deserved to finish their days in jail, but we know that in Italy it is virtually impossible for convicts scontino for their entire sentence. Sympathy therefore does not make me change the hard and clear opinion on them. I condemn them and I find no justification for their actions. But I remain convinced that the massacre of the Bologna train station have nothing to do.
The second piece about a dog. The dog of my youth, who attended every day that I left my parents when I got married and moved, which then died away from me. He was an English setter female. His name was Simba, Simbotta the term of endearment. I often remember it. This summer, during a short vacation in Liguria, I happened to dream. And it was one of those dreams that then you can not forget. Here's a short guide to that dream, written the day after:
seemed all too true. You are the smartest dog there is! The three times I cried, embracing her, before I wake. A long embrace, lying on the ground. After a wild ride Simbotta had joined me. I was happy. I woke up suddenly. I felt a tremendous disappointment when I realized that it was only a dream. I wept bitterly. Desperately.
Scroll down the page and find the unfinished Ronde in Voghera. The title of a post ever written, not even started. Only thought. I wanted to report my concern aftermath of a meeting of majority in Voghera, during which I asked the Mayor, the Councillors and other members present to continue the project to establish patrol in Voghera within the term of the current administration, exploiting the headway the security decree recently issued by the Government. The answer was ice, it suddenly changed the subject. Someone in the room Caritatis, told me that was not the case as a favor to the league. Mysteries of politics! I wanted to write and report of this episode were rather controversial, but then decided against it.
few lines are not exactly cheerful and optimistic, that a photograph of my frequent moments of sterile self-pity. Shameless and with little respect for myself, here carryover:
Living in limbo. Living in the wind. Swirling winds of time that flies away like dead leaves in autumn. Twenty years. Nearly thirty autumns ago. The cry is now heading. Faster the transition from one season to another. Sad and trite allegory about the seasons. Trite and sad laments of men who can not give answers.
Poor mediocrity. A resounding silence in a dark blinding. On like this without thinking. Let him live.
After the attack on Berlusconi to Sunday, December 13, I wanted to write "hot" all my indignation against the "principals". I stalled, I would then write rationally and coolly. Meanwhile, I watched TV debate, I read newspaper articles, I was further outraged and disgusted at the transmission Annozero, thinking all the worst possible quartet Santoro-Travaglio-Di Pietro-Vauro. A few days before the dismal show of Santoro & Co., also quite annoyed by the false solidarity with Berlusconi by those who deeply hate him, I began to compile a list, I wanted to complete sentences and reasoning made sense:
Envious , envy, communist, democratic, defeatists, pessimists, nihilists, false, false, boastful, detractors, conspirators, partisan, petulant, bureaucrats, conceited, opinionated, Manichaean, malicious, conspiracy, politicians, losers, violent, virulent, strutting, intellectual, frustrated, bloated, boring, crawling, mocking, strasfottenti, petty, inept, annoying, dull, gray, severe, heavy, gossipari, promoters, ex, homosexual, transex, extra-parliamentary, anti-globalization, no party, noCav, notables, a reputation, not, nauseating.
Well, reading this sequel, I do not need any further reasoning.
I finally reassembled and brought back the notes of the Word file. But I also have a notebook on which I write every so often and from which on other occasions I have written several pieces on the PC. I see it. Yes, there is something that I could return, but this post I was already tired. Close. Attila
Friday, December 18, 2009
White Gloss Dining Table Scratches
I nternet must remain free!
E 'in a square cui ci si può confrontare, esprimere e crescere.
Internet è e deve rimanere un luogo aperto a tutti e alle idee di tutti, all’innovazione, alla cultura e alle diversità.
Non possiamo accettare che gli spazi della democrazia e della libertà siano ristretti e controllati!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Syphillis On My Tongue
Democratic Party - Group Council Chamber
11 directors of the center to 36 (in addition to the Mayor at the last moment absent for health reasons: I express my best wishes for a speedy recovery) have missed their presence in the classroom at the start of the debate on Government Plan of Land in the city council.
This happened although we had repeatedly stated, even formally on two occasions at the Conference of Group Leaders, this time we would not have "given the number" by a majority which discusses everything in it is not always confronted with the opposition in the appropriate forums.
At this point everything was postponed until Thursday when they kick off the debate.
We believe that when faced with a measure so important to the majority can not use the advice in part, but it should be the actual center for discussion and debate.
A debate that we must be clear and recognizable, which, in other words, the pressures of private interests do not outweigh the public, the community and its development. In affirming
believe that the center should be a sense of responsibility towards Milan be more transparent on its opinion given to a very important decision that criticized when it was still not physically accessible for us.
also striking in the day today the absence of virtually all the commissioners (except of course the commissioner Masseroli).
The Board of Milan, who have already helped for free yesterday ensuring the approval of the resolution Aare despite the absence of colleagues in the majority, must comply with most of the institutions in Milan.
Group Board
Gallery Ciro Fontana 3
20121 Milano tel. 02-884.54800 - 54801 - 54802 to 54793 - 54742 to 50238 - 50304 to 50481
fax. 02-884.54805 - 50239
Cat White Foamy Mucus
Dear friends,
today began debate on the Plan of Government of the Territory, the city council.
The debate starts in the classroom is one of those massive.
We'll talk about in the coming days and months to come as the labor amendment and debate on the document, to which the directors of the area have already contributed actively, it will be hard and long.
At the City Council yesterday took place some significant things. In relation to which you attach materials and articles.
- It 's been unanimously approved a odg Solidarity and the Prime Minister condemning the political climate of hatred even against the institutions of the state.
- The center has rejected the congestion charge, which is a fee for general access to central London on the model, and piece of an overall policy of restricting private traffic, proposed by us and the Greens (and announced recently by Mayor Moratti: valleys to understand ..). In addition, documents are passed bipartisan support for mobility "alternative" and based on Transp. public.
- It 's past, because of our stubbornness and absence of the PDL, an agenda on establishing the Anti-crisis of 19 million euros and blocks the increase in charges for two years all services provided by companies controlled by the Municipality. And it's been a odg asking Parliament to amend the criteria for application of the Stability Pact for Local Authorities and the establishment of a bipartisan board
- It 's been a odg we have proposed "Save the refund on derivatives", which asks the Parliament to amend the provision on the "short trial" (which then of course we are opposed to "full") to avoid the risk that the process jumps to the consequences of the same transactions in derivatives.
We, therefore, continue, stubbornly our work (and a bit 'boring continue to inform you ..).
the next.
Pierfrancesco Majorino
Parent Common PD Milan.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
The Anschluss
beginning of 1938 Hitler had consolidated his power in Germany and to complete the expansion of the Reich, a long-planned, on Feb. 12 met the Chancellor Austrian Kurt Schuschnigg at Berchtesgaden in Bavaria asking that would eliminate the veto to political parties and release all detainees involving Nazis in government: the military invasion penalty. Schuschnigg agreed and called Arthur Seyss-Inquart, a pro-Nazi lawyer, as Interior Minister.
But in the weeks after he began to realize how Seyss-Inquart was plotting to destabilize it and tried to ignite the patriotism of the population. For the first time the Communists and Socialists could be seen in public together and March 9, as a last resort, planned a plebiscite to decide whether to approve the annexation to the Reich . To make up a large majority imposed The minimum age for voting in 24 years, so as to exclude the young, in large part by pro-Nazi sympathies. But the bet was won at the polls, was obviously lost. Germany announced that the results were affected by heavy fraud and that would be accepted, in most of Hitler's Propaganda Minister announced the outbreak of revolts in Austria and arguing that a large part of the Austrian population had sought the intervention of troops of the Reich. Hitler sent an ultimatum to Schuschnigg, which expired at midnight on 11: the power or switch entirely to the Nazis, or the country will be invaded . The ultimatum was extended by two hours, even if the invasion had been planned for each. Seyss-Inquart, not without some problems, finally was elected Chancellor . Hitler crossed the border Branau, his hometown, while the Eighth Army of Wehrmacht troops entered Austria meeting only flags and cheering in what became known as the Blumenkrieg, the war of the flowers.
Hitler was back in Austria, April 2 , when 200,000 people received him in triumph Heldenplatz, the Heroes' Square, to hear the Reich proclaiming the Anschluss, the event that appeared in Le Figaro as "the most serious accident at the end of the first world war. " The next day we would be the match between Hertha and Austria to celebrate the event. Sindelar made an event that, in its way, unforgettable.
Mathias Sindelar
There is always a poor neighborhood in the history and destiny of the great champions of sport and football in particular, as if the "hunger", real and metaphorical, constitutes a weapon more. For only those who really suffered really do anything to get and build on the unique talent that has to emerge from poverty.
Eusebio, the Black Panther, began in the dusty streets of Lourenco Marques, Mozambique, Maradona in Fiorito, Buenos Aires, Romario to Jacarecinho, Rio de Janeiro. Mathias Sindelar, der Papieren, the Mozart of football, which has "played the game of football like no other," wrote Friedrich Torberg as in "Ballad of the death of a player" has begun on the outskirts of Vienna. But Sindelar was not born in Austria but in Moravia in Jihlava, 10 February 1903, a family of Jewish origin. This too will weigh in the ultimate fate of tissue paper. His father was a bricklayer and moved to the Austrian capital, where it grew with dignity Sindelar, who as a boy worked as an apprentice mechanic, and her three sisters.
's father dies at war, on the Isonzo, and Matthias passes adolescence helping his mother and sisters in their laundry, but the center of his thoughts is just one: the ball of rags that is kept outside the door of the shop. And Matthias, slender, slight, with the ball we can do and how. On the street sporting a series of dribbling, play, stop and passages that draw the attention of ' Hertha, a professional team in the capital, who recruits him for the youth team in 1918, but it does begin in the first team already in 1922 . On the stages of football that counts, its qualities stand out and the Wiener Amateur in 1924, which later became FK Austria Vienna, makes its flag, its symbol, his idol. With viola, Mozart, the "Fiddler" will play until the final, winning a title, six domestic cups and two Mitropa Cup, then the leading continental club trophy .
"onionskin" was a striker extreme elegance, engineering and unparalleled talent. A genuine star who has delighted in the domestic market, one that in the Thirties was the strongest national in the world. Those were years when the school was the school football Mittleuropea, the example for all, the only team at the Wunderteam, the team of the wonders of Austria, coached by the great coach Hugo Meisl was Hungary. There was also a direct confrontation between the two countries that were once joined under the banner of the emperor in Vienna in 1932. He finished 8-2 for Austria, with three networks that Sindelar also served five assists.
With him on the field of Austria won 28 matches out of 31 until 1934, the year in which the Wunderteam participates for the first time at the World Championships. His reputation exceeds the boundaries of the "soccer-phobic" Sindelar U.S. and start earning a lot, making testimonial ad for designer clothes and luxury cars, but spending the most money on women and gambling.
" was the owner of the ball, the artist of fake ," he said of Vittorio Pozzo, coach of two-time champion World. "The lack of physical meet with intelligence. He had learned to unmark in a masterly way. Vacated distributed, sorted, said issues of attack, became the true intelligence of the first line .
It was not enough, however, his presence on the field to beat the Azzurri in the semifinals of the World Cup 1934. In Milan, June 3, the team of Hugo Meisl and tissue paper is 1-0 defeat. Sindelar has to leave before the curtain falls, however, knocked the studs Monzeglio. The goal is to match Enrique Guaita: the action appear to be tainted by an earlier foul on goalkeeper Peter Platzer Giuseppe Meazza not sanctioned by the referee, Swedish Ivan Eklind that is unique in the history of the World Cup, also directs the final between Italy and Czechoslovakia. It is said that before the two decisive encounters, Eklind have met Mussolini.
that matched or not true, the direction of Sweden is heavily criticized and branded as too homely. Curiously, then, the Swede will head even Italy and France in the World 1938, the same linesman's semi-final in Milan, the Belgian Louis Baert: that race in Italy will wear the black jersey in honor of the Duce.
blue On the day of the triumph of Rome, Sindelar is in a hospital bed, in Milan: here he meets his fate, Camilla Castignolo , an Italian girl who teaches German literature. Sindelar falls in love and decides to take her to Vienna.
The consequences of the Anschluss
Among the first steps taken by the new National-Socialist government in Austria after its annexation to the Reich of 1938, set out the dismantling of the Football Association, the oldest in the world. In what would become the Ostmark, a mere province in the empire of the Fuhrer, the Jews were dismissed from the team players, coaches exempt Jews, training and clubs outlawed Jewish ancestry and their equipment confiscated.
Many of the managers, coaches and players FK Austria Vienna were driven off by the mere fact of being, or suspected of being Jews. These include the historic President Michl Schwartz. For the "survivors" was expressly ordered not speaking to colleagues who had been expelled. But Sindelar was unbending. Franz Schwartz, grandson of the glorious president "purged", remembers him as a perfect Viennese manners, attitudes, way of speaking. And how his
Vienna, lives in the shadows, whispers and secrets.
The game farewell
Secrets as his intentions in his game "farewell", the challenge against the German national team that was supposed to celebrate the Anschluss. A match that would have ended in a draw with goals, at least that was the desire (or order) of the Fuhrer and the officers of the Reich. Sindelar has requested, and obtained, which for the last game of the Austrian national team could take the field with the traditional red and white jacket .
How exactly happened during the game today is mixed with the legend, then with the myths that have flourished since that day heroism of tissue paper and the whole team. For the first time all Sindelar create clear scoring chances, but it always ends up missing the door a few inches . So much so that many people think, and say many newspapers the next day, he was wrong on purpose, that in a certo senso quello era il suo modo per prendersi gioco dei tedeschi, oppure che gli fosse stato ordinato di non segnare. Per quanto difficilmente plausibile possa sembrare, questa teoria ha riscosso particolare successo nei giorni e negli anni a venire.
L'incontro rimane in equilibrio fino al 62', quando proprio Sindelar sblocca il risultato con un preciso destro . Lo stadio esplode, tutti sono perfettamente consapevoli che il valore della partita va al di là del dato sportivo. Al 71', poi, Karl Sesta da 40 metri disegna un cross apparentemente innocuo che si trasforma in una conclusione letale che vale il definitivo 2-0 per l'Austria . E Sindelar celebra il trionfo con una danza di gioia proprio di fronte ai massimi dignitari del Reich. A fine gara il protocollo prevede che i giocatori salutino le autorità a braccio teso. Lo fanno tutti, tranne gli autori dei due gol, che restano sull'attenti, con le braccia rigidamente lungo i fianchi , davanti agli sguardi irritati delle autorità.
Più volte, dopo quella partita, a Sindelar, è stato chiesto di giocare per la Germania, ma Cartavelina, di dichiarate simpatie social-democratiche, ha sempre rifiutato e ha assistito dalle tribune alla sconfitta tedesca ai Mondiali del 1938. Ancora non lo sapeva, ma gli restavano sette mesi di vita.
La fine di un campione
L'ultimo anno del Mozart del calcio è quantomeno bizzarro. Let the football player, and buy a bar in the district of Favoriten, by Leopold Drill, a friend of his jew, one of the many victims of legalized expropriation in the new order imposed by the Fuhrer in the now become Ostmark for 20 000 trademarks more than it had offered the bureaucrats of the regime. An initiative that according to some critics, however, should be interpreted in another way: the sample, which is said to have completed the transaction with cash, would not merely opportunistically take advantage of the situation to buy the club for a fraction of its real value.
Thus, thirty years, an athlete who could still be among the most admired and sought after Europe, she served them beer and coffee with former comrades. The Gestapo oversees local , and Sindelar is known as friendly monsters with all customers, who is half Jewish, the official report, which define onionskin "not in tune with the party . But
January 23, 1939 Sindelar does not go to the bar. A friend, Gustav Hartmann, seek him out in the apartment of Annagasse. He finds naked, lying on the floor, dead . Beside him Castignoli Camilla, still alive. He dies a few hours later, as the boyfriend sample, asphyxia caused by carbon monoxide from a defective stove . The chimney was blocked, and immediately gave the blame to poor maintenance. But few believed the official version, written on the police report which, however, according to the Austrian national archive would have been lost or destroyed in war. On 25 January an article in the Austrian newspaper Kronen Zeitung claimed that " all signs point to the conclusion that this great man was the victim of a crime for poisoning."
One theory that has found many supporters, that the murder, which gradually identified as culprits : a murderess on commission, because of alleged gambling debts of Sindelar; Camilla, who then would suicide for the sense of guilt; the Gestapo, that he would kill tissue paper to prevent the possibility that the player put in embarrassing the Reich by flying abroad.
But there are also those who supported and supports the thesis of suicide is an act of desperation against the destiny of their country, a symbolic gesture as the ultimate romantic expression of individual freedom, the extreme form of assertion of independence of thought against the Nazi hierarchy.
A seventy years later the questions remain unanswered. There remains only the confession of Egon Ulbrich, a great friend of Sindelar, who revealed to the BBC a few years ago, he had convinced the police to "fix" the report , eliminating any reference to the criminal sphere, and especially suicide, so that Sindelar could have a state funeral .
The most poetic explanation of the death of the Sindelar, however, has given Alfred Polgar, in the obituary that he dedicated to the champion. " Sindelar followed the city, which was the favorite son and pride. It was so inextricably linked to Vienna to death when she died. Why live and play football in the troubled city, destroyed, oppressed would have meant betraying Vienna with a spectrum repellent themselves. But how can playing football in those conditions? And how can we go on living when life is nothing without football? .
Friday, December 11, 2009
Funeral Flowers For Brother In Low Fotos
Lately, as an old and so old that I do not complain. Robert Smith singing "I want to be old, but perhaps not the best to see how things develop in this city in general and in particular, that shit is just to define, where everything is commerce and a few, very few, are interested anything other than making money.
And 'one of the most empty of Italy? When I was young, if not small, there was no possibility of live music anywhere and just really interested in this, there were no other neroenonsolo e. ... Then came MTV, came the "'Merican" and have also made it clear to Caserta, consequently, that the music You can attract people and therefore make money. Over time, in no time now in this city, which is still shit, you can find almost from Thursday to Sunday for a place to play live. The ultimate expression of this city is the Palace vanitelliana that as we are told is one of the most visited monuments in Italy, but via Mazzini (aka Road trading / rub), which in fact is more accurate and clean the palace.
I would like to see the casertamusica pages a few years ago and compare the number of concerts that were made per hour with the current number. Perfect you say, so what are you complaining about, "To you, do you like to music or 'or smoke?
I complain of the trade itself, the misuse of music which it is put on both sides: from those who promote and those who consume . The music is not a product, I want to say this to myself for the umpteenth time, and not as product is not incorporated in the economic sector, or not done and not have to do with music nutshell. POINT
This thing I've written a little 'time ago and yet in general agree with myself (unsurprisingly), although in some cases I would have something to say about my own words.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Corporal Punishment Mainstream Movie

Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Ivory Desert Eagle Grip

Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Driver For Ter/gusb2-n

no gifts from the mafia: the thing seized goods are ours!
Thirteen years ago, more than a million people signed the petition calling on Parliament to approve the law for the social use of property confiscated from the mafia. A call picked up by all political forces, which voted unanimously for the law 109/96. Was crowned, so, the dream of those who, starting with Pio La Torre, had paid with his life the commitment to take away from the clan accumulated wealth illegally.
Today that 'commitment is likely to be betrayed. An amendment introduced in the Senate Finance Law, in fact, provides for the sale of confiscated property that you can not allocate within three to six months. It 's easy to imagine, thanks to notes of the mafia organizations ability to mask their presence, who will come forward to buy villas, houses and land belonging to the boss e che rappresentavano altrettanti simboli del loro potere, costruito con la violenza, il sangue, i soprusi, fino all'intervento dello Stato.
La vendita di quei beni significherà una cosa soltanto: che lo Stato si arrende di fronte alle difficoltà del loro pieno ed effettivo riutilizzo sociale, come prevede la legge. E il ritorno di quei beni nelle disponibilità dei clan a cui erano stati sottratti, grazie al lavoro delle forze dell'ordine e della
magistratura, avrà un effetto dirompente sulla stessa credibilità delle istituzioni.
Per queste ragioni chiediamo al governo e al Parlamento di ripensarci e di ritirare l'emendamento sulla vendita dei beni confiscati. Si rafforzi, piuttosto, l'azione of those investigating to find the wealth of the clan. Reforms be introduced social rules that facilitate the reuse of goods and is given practical effect to the rule that states the confiscation of property to the corrupt. It will be primarily allocated to the families of victims and witnesses of justice mafia money and resources stolen from the mafia. But we do not sell those seized assets representing the sign of the redemption of an Italy civil, honest and courageous. Because these goods are really all "our thing".