The Conference will be held Sunday, January 17
9 am, 00
(by 11 votes to 18) at CAM
Garibaldi ( Garibaldi 27)
Anna Stack is a candidate for the office of Secretary of the club.
is also the list of candidates for the coordination
CORVI Rosolino
RIPOLI Vitantonio
Anna Catasta coordinatrice del circolo nel 2009: mi candido per sostenere il lavoro del circolo, insieme al coordinamento che sarà eletto unitariamente e che esprimerà competenze e esperienze diverse e eccellenti
Il circolo non deve essere solo il braccio organizzativo di decisioni prese altrove, ma un laboratorio politico, riconosciuto dal territorio, capace di favorire la partecipazione degli iscritti and the choices of voters in the city and country. Our program will be inspired by the idea of \u200b\u200bsupporting equal opportunities for all in accessing elective office of the PD and institutions, because this is the Constitution.
I hope the clubs, starting from our own, become politicians advanced laboratories, capable of inetrvenire issues of Milan (which are many) on general issues (reforms of the labor market, institutions and justice).
We undertake all responsibility and willingness to work best to support and give life to the PD zone in the center stack
Abdu Mattia ISMAHIL
Born in Milan on May 23, 1981. I've always lived in this area where my parents many years before a commercial ice cream restaurant hours. I am finishing a degree of Level 2 in "Urban Planning and Territorial Policies" at the faculty of "architecture and Society of the Politecnico di Milano. In college I became passionate about politics student representative on Faculty Council and head of the club's local youth Left. My entry to the DS in 2003 led me to found the youth club in an area with other young people with whom I share the militancy in PD.
Since 2006, local council 1 and here I am fighting for my city is more livable, friendly, clean and humane. The democratic participation of citizens is at the core of my studies and my political interests and, to my party, its directors and also to his militants, ask to favor it by starting their own clubs.
I am applying for the coordination of the circle to continue to pursue at the local level, inside the circle (in addition to the Council Area), the battles, the values \u200b\u200band ideals for which to feel proud of their membership of the PD and then try to make it better and always meet our expectations.
BOSSI Thomas
33 years I was born in Florence where I studied and graduated in Law in 2002. In Florence I have been practicing and I passed the Bar exam to practice law in 2005. I moved to Milan in April 2006, always play as a lawyer in the field of administrative law. I joined the PD in February 2009 and was my first party card.
Matthew Born September 24, 1984 in Milan, where I live alternately with Krakow, the seat of my current studies for the current academic year. He graduated in Slavic languages \u200b\u200b(Polish, Russian and Ukrainian) at the University of Milan, who graduated high school at the Civic language "A. Manzoni”, ho scelto una formazione improntata su storia e lingue straniere, per le quali ho una grandissima passione.
Con altrettanto entusiasmo, la mia vita è caratterizzata da un fortissimo impegno civile. Sono Presidente dell’Associazione “AnnaViva”, nata per supportare la tutela dei diritti umani e lo sviluppo della democrazia in Europa centro-orientale e nel mondo ex-sovietico, e per tenere viva la memoria di chi in quelle terre ha perso la propria vita per testimoniare la verità – come, tra i tanti esempi, la coraggiosa giornalista russa Anna Politkovskaja. In politica ho scelto di aderire al progetto del Partito Democratico, al quale credo moltissimo in quanto unica forza politica in grado di creare l'alternativa al centrodestra e a Berlusconi. Nel gennaio 2008, più di un centinaio di amici ha avuto fiducia in me, eleggendomi tra i coordinatori del circolo “MilanoCentro” in occasione delle “primariette” di zona.
Inoltre, dal maggio 2006 al giugno 2009 sono stato Consigliere di Amministrazione della mia Università, eletto come rappresentante degli studenti. Per questa ragione, ho deciso di ricandidarmi al coordinamento di circolo Milano Centro-Aldo Aniasi per mettere a disposizione il mio entuasmo e le mie capacità per rafforzare il PD nella zona in cui abito e vivo, convinto che il ritorno al governo parta da un adeguato e serio radicamento sul territorio.
CHIOZZI Alessandro
Laureato in economia e commercio, managers are in a service company. I dream of a strong Democratic majority in a country so far driven by populism or political agreements ephemeral. This is why I began my activism in 2007 with the birth of the PD. I see the club as a "task force", not as a representative body for the currents. I would like to bring into the circle method and measurement of merit with respect to: projects with associations, political activities produced, number of members, local election results, the active involvement of the territory.
CORVI Rosolino
Milan Center, a laboratory for progressive politics in Milan, meetings, discussions with the social reality and with all your strength (associations class, cultural, political parties, etc..) interested in a new era "reform" of the city to build a possible victory in municipal elections of 2011.
New projects and new policy to make Milan a city more livable, more modern words.
An opportunity for the Democratic Party, not only in Milan.
Francis I was born in La Maddalena on 10/12/1946 and after graduating in modern literature, I worked in the publishing industry with various responsibilities.
From the first half of the nineties I work for the Group Il Sole 24 Ore of professional publishing, as business manager of the Construction Business Unit, Environment and PA. I produced
on the subject during an online legal database and technical series of books and periodicals 5: Environment and Safety, Environmental Technologies and Solutions, Real Estate and Law, Guide of the real estate consultant, Arketipo, of which I am chief.
I have organized in recent years as coordinator of numerous conferences and seminars especially on environmental issues and safety at work.
I am applying to make available to the circle of my professional experiences, whereas since January 1 are retired and can therefore enjoy a greater availability of time and greater passion for my efforts.
My name is Francesco Ferraro Francesco Ferraro. Twenty-eight years and I work at the State University of Milan, which corresponds to me a post-doctoral fellowship: are, that is, a researcher precarious.
I subscribed to the Democrats of the Left in 2005 after I joined the Left Youth and then, with the birth of the Democratic Party, the Young Democrats. In 2008 I worked with the organization of "core" of the Young Democrats, as a provisional member of the provincial youth secretary. I am an elected member of the National Young Democrats.
I attended the Provincial Convention in support of the motion Marino, who seemed the most clear about some of the issues I most care about. One of these is the idea PD of a federal and decentralized structure itself knows from the widest possible participation and submit an assessment of its base so the choice of its leaders, as the assessment of their action. This last point is crucial, in my opinion: it is essential to any real accountability of managers.
believe in PD that ceases to be a mysterious object, and make their own instances really progressive in the country. I believe in a reformist party that fights for an Italy open to opportunity and social mobility: an Italy more just, who do not know how close the world, but to exploit their best energies, without giving in to conservative interests of caste and cliques. I want my party are able to propose a long-term vision of the country, can replace the confidence to fear.
To build this PD must start from concrete and fruitful relationship with the territory: the circles, then, are the window on everyday life in Italy. The city of Milan is a laboratory where you anticipate the challenges around the country and experience new solutions to problems. The circle "ANIASA" has the good fortune and responsibility to exist in this area of \u200b\u200bspecial interest and ability to seize the opportunities for reflection and action that it offers. Is to contribute to this end that I apply to join the Coordination of the circle.
teaches political economy in political science in a long time in politics although I lived for many years abroad. Last year I was elected coordinator of Zone 1. I decided to reapply for the coordination of circle-Milanocentro Aldo ANIASA to make available my energies and my skills to enhance the PD. I think it's important to participate in the discussion from the circles.
BEST Maurizio
are Milan, I am 54 years old, married and have three daughters. I have extensive experience working in various companies and different situations in industry: energy and environment. The most significant experiences, I gained over 20 years working in corporate America and have lived abroad about 7 years, Turkey, Portugal, Germany and Switzerland. They are still active and engaged in a business venture with a manufacturer of instrumentation for measuring environmental quality, such as particulate matter (PM10) and dioxins.
I joined the Democratic Party since its formation. In PD I saw the hope of a party to a modern liberal politics in the economic, attentive to the social problems of our community and secular ethical choices in the individual. I supported the secretary in the primaries and voted for the motion Bersani.
My political ambition is to transform our club into a place of reference for our community in downtown Milan, consisting of members, voters, inhabitants of the area of \u200b\u200bMilan and all those who are in contact with the local culture:
• Become a center of civic culture: to inform the community of major political events and give our vision and reading.
• Becoming the main engine of the efforts of our local business area: mobility, cost of living, livability, culture.
• Becoming a referral center for families: how to identify proposals and club facilities to improve logistics education, support for working women with children to a policy of population growth.
• Promote integration efforts with immigrants in the area, through the creation of an information center and address (permits, Italian based, health and culture Italian), of information on immigration meetings with the community.
RIPOLI Vitantonio
Personal Information Born in Puglia, I live in Milan since 1963. Married with two grown children. Lawyer specializing in corporate, commercial and labor. Member
political experience to the Center of the Milan Chamber Democrats of the Left, I have been secretary. I was part of the local town and the Secretariat of the DS. I contributed, may also act as coordinator, the birth of the organizing committee of the Democratic Party of which I have been her first spokesman. Reasons To
experience and knowledge gained, for the civic passion and desire to do that is my own, I think I can be useful to my party and my club.
SCALE EmilioAntonio Emilio Scala
Born and raised in Milan at the Liceo Classico Parini, Decisions by the State.
Career of employee, employee and manager of a large multinational company in Italy, France, Argentina, the United States before and after business leaders and managers in major Italian newspapers.
Now retired, for over ten years I have participated in writing as a basis for political activities that have occurred at the site of Corso Garibaldi. Despite the general
dissatisfaction and problems of the current situation, I strongly believe in the potential of the Democratic Party and the reasons for its founding.
I think especially in the values \u200b\u200bof Justice and Social Development in which we must help clubs like ours with respect, listening and mutual collaboration in research initiatives and effective territorial unit.
I'm 43 years old, I graduated in mathematics and a master's degree at the Polytechnic on renewable energy.
I've always worked on innovation and technology, first in computing, working for international companies at the forefront of technology, and now as a consultant in the renewable energy sector and energy efficiency. I recently joined the PD - although I've always followed by outside Italian political life - and I would like to contribute, as a member of the coordination of policies at the city level PD: I think the (re) birth of the PD can not go for that environmental issues - energy, mobility and sustainability to combat the mafia and their penetration into the social fabric; for enlargement and clear definition of civil rights and I am convinced that these, like others, issues can be addressed successfully in political and social fabric of the city.
I was born in Poggibonsi (near Siena) March 27, 1965, so I have almost 45 years. I
graduated in "Expert corporate and foreign correspondence." Then things changed: I majored in Literature (University of Siena) with a thesis on the scene of Italo Svevo (Rapporteur Gianni Scalia). Score: 110 cum laude.
In 1991 I won a contest for the post of librarian at the State University of Milan, where I worked in the Faculty of Law, where work continues as director of the library of St. Paul Polo (the homonymous Hospital, School of Medicine ).
I like reading, newspapers and books.
I like listening to radio (Radio Rai 3).
I like the Clash, Elvis Costello, XTC, the Piccola Orchestra Avion Travel. I do not watch
tv. If anything me updates on the web. In the policy
I like to participate. The fact that anyone can decide to be there only because of his enthusiasm.
I have a piece of the PD by the resignation of Veltroni, not because I do not like Veltroni, but because Franceschini I got the desire to participate again. Before I was enrolled in the communist PRC. then the DS. I had time to vote proletarian democracy. My first vote. I have argued
Marino primaries, but I always thought that people would be elected would be my secretary.
I would be interested to talk about: employees, government, ecology, immigration, housing rights and culture.
Elena Buscemi
degree in Philosophy with a thesis on the history of political thought, I am 27 years old and I am dealing with communication and press office. I started playing politics with the birth of the Democratic Party and are part of the Coordination outgoing.
have been nominated for election to the House in 2008.
I like to shoot and travel by bicycle.
I am applying to continue the work started and to put energy and enthusiasm available to the Club and Area.
Accountant Accountant with 25 years for inclusion of chartered accountants and chartered accountants in Milan, with diversified experience in various areas of recently-specializing in civil and the with tax courses. N-2 order committees: Committee on Arbitration Commission and litigation.
colleges and trade union cooperation in the civilian sector as a court-appointed liquidator of the Palace of Justice in Milan.
Francesca was born in Milan in 1950, I live in Zone 1, married with two children of 32 and 34 years.
Maturity Classic at Parini, language degree with a thesis in History of English.
Parliamentary Interpreter of English and French.
I am dealing with antiques and have a workshop for restoration of antique furniture.
collaborate with the social and private non-profit as a teacher of English and French in secondary schools of the San Vittore prison. In the See organizes meetings between prisoners and important figures of female culture, as Alda Merini and Luisa Muraro.
always Ciclobby I'm part of, and around Milan cycling.
Political life: I joined
Ulivo since its foundation.
Elected in 1997 in Council Zone 1 Old Town in Milan for the PDS, and from 1999 to 2001, after redistribution of Milan in Zone 9, as a parent in the ranks of the DS.
In 2001, the DS candidate for the City Council of Milan
Elected in May 2006 a local council in the ranks of the Olive in Milan.
From January 2008 Part I, at a meeting of the Area, Group of the Democratic Party. I work mainly in the area of \u200b\u200bsocial policies and I fight because the projects are shared with urban residents.
On October 14, 2007 I was elected to the Regional Constituent Assembly of the Democratic Party.
Since January 27, 2008 I'm part of the coordination of the Club Milano Centro Aldo ANIASA "-that is, simply put the old Board of the Chamber.
Since December 2009 I am a member of the Provincial Convention of the Democratic Party.
experience at the club ANIASA:
I joined the club, then Section Togliatti in 1990.
From that moment on I never stopped to take care of this glorious political headquarters in Milan, to defend against attacks by the City of Milan intends to evict her, because I consider important to be present with our club in the area and particularly so in a district representative for the arts, culture and social struggles of Milan.
I believe that good policy should be linked to a deep local knowledge and relationships with concrete and transparent cittadini.In these ten years of local politics I have fought hard to live with to balance the activities of a city with rights of each citizen and I am passionate in defense of the most disadvantaged
in our city have been increasingly ignored by the advent of right-wing government in power.
I think the club could become a magnet for all those that do not have a direct political experience, feel the need to take to heart problems in the neighborhood and
città.Ritengo important that all initiatives are directed towards the circle
territory and stimulate dialogue between citizens and representatives of our institutions .
White was born in 1944. Teacher of French language and literature in high schools today in retirement.
Two children and a granddaughter. Member of the Provincial Assembly of the Democratic Party and the Coordination of outgoing Circle.
since adolescence I fight for a secular state and independent, to a state that respects all beliefs, capable of tolerance, acceptance, and support means a state capable of enforcing its laws in the assertion of rights and duties of conscience. A state in which the right to employment, education, health and respect for the territory are not only old words, but actually essential. Why all this is possible I need an organized network that the organization can not territorio.Questa from physical places to meet, exchange and discussion. Places where ideas can be proposed. Places where the proposals of citizens who recognize themselves in PD may be disclosed and supported in a concrete and continuous exchange between the base and the heads of the party. The enthusiasm for the fight should never retire!
GUELI Ginetta
Intenti: dove diverse attività svolte all'interno del circolo Aniasi nell'ultimo anno, ho deciso di candidarmi per contribuire ancor più intensamente con la mia esperienza di vita e il mio vivo interesse a supportare, aiutare ed espriremere tutti insieme la forza di questo circolo (e quindi del PD) e di tutti quanti noi iscritti senza distinzioni di alcun genere e/o di appartenenza, affinchè si possa sentire sempre più spesso dai cittadini che il Pd è vicino a loro, vivo e compatto
INCORVAJA Giuseppina
Sono un (ormai non più tanto) giovane avvocato che svolge la propria professione a Milano, nel settore del diritto amministrativo.
Occupandomi di materie quali il zoning law and environmental law, I had the opportunity during these years observe closely the way in which the public apparatus is moving, and choose work, both at political and bureaucratic level, and how it interacts with private parties.
And it is starting from a little curiosity that 'my work I have instilled in politics and the fact that I have always sympathized strictly for the democratic left, which in recent months, I went over to the initiatives of the Democratic Party for better understand how to live and work a party and, above all, to understand better how to live and work that normally is called the "base", ie that part of the apparatus administration of a political party that is called to a closer dialogue with local communities, to be an interpreter and spokesman for his needs and his needs and to offer new content and concrete lines of action of the party.
course in addition to curiosity about this world, there is also the desire, in this moment of crisis in the essential political content, to make my own (modest) contribution to the growth of a party in whose birth and development of which I have always believed, though with moments of great despair for the scenario that presented itself or disappointment for some facts. In short, the desire not to be just a spectator for once plaintive but also an actor. These
at a glance the reasons why I propose my candidacy.
Member of the PCI from the early '70s, I followed closely the political work of my husband, Silvio Leonardi, who used to be called "liberal communist" and "reformist principles." As a teacher of letters I have taught in the technical and professional institutes. I ran the Section "Perry-Devani" from 1992 to 1997, the year of the merger with the "Togliatti" in Milano Centro. Here I took the card and flyers in markets and gazebo.
I am convinced that the activities of the club must change tack and start supporting the cohesion between the different positions of the center left and working for the reconstruction of a serious and solid link with the national reality, a small town and neighborhood.
I was born in Milan, graduated in architecture and out of the practice. I hardly ever, if not in high school, participated in the discussion and political activity. I tried to keep me informed following discussions, reading newspapers and books. Over the past two or three years I realized that was not enough to discuss, debate, discuss all of us citizens to stay there. The gap between our citizens and the policy seemed to increase exponentially. So the decision to enroll in the PD last summer with the hope and dream a little. The hope that many express their thoughts, their valori, i loro bisogni nel contesto politico e il piccolo sogno che tutte queste energie riunite facciano da calamita e riportino la politica a guardare nella realtà quotidiana. Il circolo è un gruppo e il lavoro di gruppo può sprigionare energie inaspettate… per cui buon lavoro a tutti.
Mi chiamo Ilaria Petrella, ho 37 anni e vivo a Milano da 12 anni. Mi occupo di finanza in una banca d'affari.
Ho seguito sul nascere il progetto del partito democratico seguendo sempre attivamente il suo processo di crescita ed anche le sue traversie. E' stato un progetto in cui ho creduto e credo fortemente, un partito che sia portavoce di valori chiari, che promuova la cultura del merito e la legalita', un partito a vocazione majority that could finally become a party of government.
therefore propose my candidature for the coordination of the circle, to make available to the PD and our circle of my passion for politics and my own experience.
Lorenza was born in Alexandria, 17.11.1973, resident in Milan, a lawyer at the Falck SpA, a company that builds and operates facilities for the production of energy from renewable sources, married to Robert, mother of Andrea (17 months) and Martina (a few days)
member of the club theme party form PD Milan and coordination of the circle ANIASA (2008/2009)
experience at the club ANIASA:
my election, which took place with the vote of members and supporters, was an expression of the need for greater openness to the "civil society" that the club has been able ANIASA, in keeping with the spirit of PD
continue the involvement of members and supporters to activities of the club through a greater transparency and information to the outside (eg, verbalization and dissemination of decisions of coordination, coordination of monthly open meeting, meeting with representatives of the institutions at various levels, to receive information about the activities ; initiatives related to the themes and issues most felt in the area)
I was born in Bari, but I live in Milan 1978. This city has been, and not just for me, the place in which to grow with the ability and opportunity to become aware and adults. Unfortunately we see far too long, with the same awareness that, open, generous and friendly, intelligent, and Milan 'imploded in the facts that have altered. Unacceptable acts (and even become a racist!). I would like, and together we must do it, who returned to Milan to be that example that has always been positive, and which they can decorate to look. We must reclaim the values \u200b\u200bof moral, ethical, social, cultural and economic factors for which and to which has been prepared, and to whom we are prepared we all PD.
SALVADORI Roberta Roberta
Salvadori, 64, writer and journalist, was occupied by the pages of the Corriere della Sera of scientific themes of social, economic and civilian consumers, such as proper nutrition, health, agriculture, biotechnology. It 'the author of the book: "The Mediterranean Diet", proposed to UNESCO as a World Heritage Site. He coordinated public and private projects in nutrition education for schools. Outgoing member of the coordination, as a candidate intends to promote awareness among the citizens of the area to the contents of value social and civil, incurred strongly from the PD, in defense of those principles of democracy, too often called into question.
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