women who give birth to a new day
Women who give birth to a new day
s-veiled and veiled women. We are native and immigrant women Annassim association, whose name in Arabic means morning breeze, and as such we ask ourselves - in the sense that - when we formed the association and we thought our cultural and political position in society, we think, in a practical sense and symbolic as the "women who give birth to a new day."
-The cool breeze of the morning, lets hope one day and a bright future. Some of we are Muslim, others just lay - but we identified only "as veiled women." Among us the veil has not been a problem nor has it ever place divisions. We respect each other and there are many elements that unite us: how women-as mothers as human beings who "think" and want to improve the living conditions of themselves and others. With all the other women of the world have in common being oppressed, often not recognized, and respected ... and unfortunately sometimes killed or wounded in the body in different forms and chilling. The veil-and the female body - seem to be the main obsession of the intellectual debate-and what they mistakenly call the "clash of civilizations." The female body, even those not covered by the veil - will require more-political positions, resolutions Little ... attention instead to think of women, they bring knowledge and custodians of their contribution to human development. Annassim Women are like all other women - think-act feelings ... some thought process and writing poetic thoughts . We propose that fragments of thought , Expressing feelings of love and desire for freedom for themselves and for the lands and peoples oppressed.
Fathia and Lella
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